Version 25
This is the complete list of members for DeformingBodyMotion, including all inherited members.
advanceElasticShell(real t1, real t2, real t3, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3, realCompositeGridFunction &stress, int option) | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
correct(real t1, real t2, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
debug | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
defineBody(int numberOfFaces, IntegerArray &boundaryFaces) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
deformingBodyDataBase | DeformingBodyMotion | mutableprotected |
DeformingBodyMotion(Parameters ¶ms, int numberOfTimeLevels=3, GenericGraphicsInterface *pGIDebug00=NULL, int debug00=0) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
DeformingBodyType enum name | DeformingBodyMotion | |
elasticBody enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
elasticFilament enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getAccelerationBC(const real time0, const int grid, const Index &I1, const Index &I2, const Index &I3, realSerialArray &bcAcceleration) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getAccelerationOrderOfAccuracy() const | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getFace(int grid) const | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
getInitialState(InitialStateOptionEnum stateOption, const real time, const int grid, const Index &I1, const Index &I2, const Index &I3, realSerialArray &state) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getNumberOfGrids() | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getPastLevelGrid(const int level, const int grid, CompositeGrid &cg, realArray &gridVelocity) | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
getVelocity(const real time0, const int grid, CompositeGrid &cg, realArray &gridVelocity) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getVelocityBC(const real time0, const int grid, const Index &I1, const Index &I2, const Index &I3, realSerialArray &bcVelocity) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
getVelocityOrderOfAccuracy() const | DeformingBodyMotion | |
initialAcceleration enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
initialize(CompositeGrid &cg, real t=0.) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
initializeGrid(CompositeGrid &cg, real t=0.) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
initializePast(real time00, real dt00, CompositeGrid &cg) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
initialPosition enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
InitialStateOptionEnum enum name | DeformingBodyMotion | |
initialVelocity enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
integrate(real t1, real t2, real t3, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3, realCompositeGridFunction &stress) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
parameters | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
pDeformingGrid | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
pElasticFilament | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
pGIDebug | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
pMapInfoDebug | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
printFilamentHyperbolicDimensions(CompositeGrid &cg00, int gridToMove00) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
regenerateComponentGrids(const real newT, CompositeGrid &cg) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
registerDeformingComponentGrid(const int grid, CompositeGrid &cg) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
setAccelerationOrderOfAccuracy(int order) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
setType(const DeformingBodyType bodyType) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
setVelocityOrderOfAccuracy(int order) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
simpleGetVelocity(const real vTime, const int grid00, CompositeGrid &cg, realArray &gridVelocity) | DeformingBodyMotion | protected |
unknownBody enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
update(CompositeGrid &cg, GenericGraphicsInterface &gi) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
update(GenericGraphicsInterface &gi) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
userDefinedDeformingBody enum value | DeformingBodyMotion | |
userDefinedDeformingSurface(real t1, real t2, real t3, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3, int option) | DeformingBodyMotion | |
~DeformingBodyMotion() | DeformingBodyMotion |