CG  Version 25
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ! define BC parameters for fortran routines
2 ! boundary conditions
3 c123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
4  integer interpolation,displacementBC,tractionBC
8  parameter( interpolation=0,displacementBC=1,tractionBC=2)
13  parameter( lastBC=14 )
14 ! define interfaceType values for fortran routines
15  integer noInterface ! no interface conditions are imposed
16  integer heatFluxInterface ! [ T.n ] = g
17  integer tractionInterface ! [ n.tau ] = g
18  integer tractionAndHeatFluxInterface
19  parameter( noInterface=0, heatFluxInterface=1 )
20  parameter( tractionInterface=2,tractionAndHeatFluxInterface=3 )