Evaluate the user defined Equation of State (EOS).
This routine is called very often so make it as efficient as possible.
- Parameters
r | (input) : density |
e | (input/output) : internal energy per unit mass, r*E = r*e + .5*r*( u^2+v^2+w^2 ) |
p | (input/ouput) : pressure |
dp[3] | (output) : holds derivatives on output depending on derivOption |
option | (input) : option = 0 : return energy given rho and pressure option = 1 : return pressure given rho and energy |
derivOption | (input): derivOption = 0 : no derivatives needed derivOption = 1 : evaluate dp[0] = dp/dr (r*e=const) evaluate dp[1] = dp/d(r*e) (r=const) |
q | (input) : state vector (e.g. holds species concentrations for reactive flow) |
iparam | (input) : iparam[0]=nd number of space dimensions (1,2, or 3) |
rparam | (input) : optional real parameters for future use |
dataPointer | (input) : opaque pointer to the user EOS data. |
ierr | (output) : 0=success, 1=failure |
References e, UserDefinedEOSData::equationOfState, UserDefinedEOSData::gamma, UserDefinedEOSData::gammaStiff, UserDefinedEOSData::idealGas, OV_ABORT(), printF(), UserDefinedEOSData::pStiff, and UserDefinedEOSData::stiffenedGas.