1 c Here are
the statements we use to initialize
the main subroutines below
11 gridIsImplicit =ipar(8)
12 implicitMethod =ipar(9)
13 implicitOption =ipar(10)
14 isAxisymmetric =ipar(11)
16 use4thOrderAD =ipar(13)
19 computeMatrix =ipar(15)
21 computeMatrixBC =ipar(17)
28 orderOfExtrapolation=ipar(19)
33 turbulenceModel = ipar(23)
34 twilightZoneFlow = ipar(24)
36 useSelfAdjointDiffusion=ipar(25)
37 fourthOrder = ipar(26)
40 numberOfComponents= ipar(29)
41 systemComponent = ipar(30) !
form the tridiagonal system
for this component
77 #If #SOLVER == "INSVP"
80 !* etaViscoPlastic =rpar(22)
81 !* yieldStressViscoPlastic=rpar(23)
82 !* exponentViscoPlastic =rpar(24)
83 !* epsViscoPlastic =rpar(25) ! small
parameter used to offset
the effective strain rate
85 ! here are
the names used by
the getViscoPlasticViscosity macro -- what should we
do about
this ?
86 !* etaVP=etaViscoPlastic
87 !* yieldStressVP=yieldStressViscoPlastic
88 !* exponentVP=exponentViscoPlastic
89 !* epsVP=epsViscoPlastic
91 !* write(*,
'("lineSolveNewINSVP: nuViscoPlastic=",e10.3)')
92 !* write(*,'("lineSolveNewINSVP: etaViscoPlastic=",e10.3)') etaViscoPlastic
93 !* write(*,'("lineSolveNewINSVP: yieldStressViscoPlastic=",e10.3)') yieldStressViscoPlastic
94 !* write(*,'("lineSolveNewINSVP: exponentViscoPlastic=",e10.3)') exponentViscoPlastic
95 !* write(*,'("lineSolveNewINSVP: epsViscoPlastic=",e10.3)') epsViscoPlastic
98 !*
double precision pdb
101 !* !
get visco-plastic parameters
103 !* etaViscoPlastic=1.
104 !* yieldStressViscoPlastic=10.
105 !* exponentViscoPlastic=10.
106 !* epsViscoPlastic=1.
e-10 ! small
parameter used to offset
the effective strain rate
114 !* write(*,'("***
ut: name=",a10,", NOT FOUND")') name
120 if( pdeModel.eq.BoussinesqModel .or. pdeModel.eq.viscoPlasticModel )then
123 tc=
uc ! give
this default value to
tc so we can always add
a gravity term, even
if there is no
T equation
129 dxvsqi(m)=1./(
130 drv2i(m)=1./(2.*dr(m))
131 drvsqi(m)=1./(dr(m)**2)
162 dxsq12i=1./(12.*dx0**2)
163 dysq12i=1./(12.*dy**2)
164 dzsq12i=1./(12.*dz**2)
170 cd22n=ad22n/nd !
for the SA TM model
174 c & use2ndOrderAD,ad21,cd22
178 if( fourthOrder.eq.1 .and. turbulenceModel.ne.noTurbulenceModel )then
184 if( turbulenceModel.eq.spalartAllmaras )then
185 call
cb2, cv1,
kappa, cw1, cw2, cw3, cw3e6, \
187 else if( turbulenceModel.eq.kEpsilon )then
191 else if( turbulenceModel.ne.noTurbulenceModel )then
196 if( turbulenceModel.eq.baldwinLomax )then