Version 25
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Functions | |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic *else *write ut name *end if even if there is no T equation | dxv2i (m) |
Variables | |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below | pc |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below | getInt |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters * | nuViscoPlastic |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic *else *write ut name *end if | computeTemperature |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic *else *write ut name *end if even if there is no T equation | thermalExpansivity |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic *else *write ut name *end if even if there is no T equation | ad21 |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic *else *write ut name *end if even if there is no T equation | cd22 =' |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal *!get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic *else *write ut name *end if even if there is no T equation c & | use2ndOrderAD |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal* ! get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic* else* write ut name* end if even if there is no T equation dxv2i | ( | m | ) |
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal* ! get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic* else* write ut name* end if even if there is no T equation cd22 =' |
Referenced by Cgins::addForcing(), and Cgasf::getUt().
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal* ! get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic* else* write ut name* end if computeTemperature |
Referenced by Cgins::advanceLineSolveNew(), Cgins::advanceLineSolveOld(), Cgins::assignLineSolverBoundaryConditions(), Cgins::getLineSolverBoundaryConditions(), Cgins::insImplicitMatrix(), and Cgins::lineSolverBoundaryConditions().
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal* ! get visco plastic parameters* nuViscoPlastic |
const int pc |
Referenced by Cgins::addForcing(), Cgasf::addForcingToPressureEquation(), DomainSolver::advanceAdamsPredictorCorrector(), DeformingBodyMotion::advanceElasticShell(), DomainSolver::advanceImplicitMultiStep(), Cgins::advanceLineSolveNew(), Cgins::advanceLineSolveOld(), DomainSolver::advanceSecondOrderSystem(), DomainSolver::advanceSteadyStateRungeKutta(), Cgasf::allSpeedImplicitTimeStep(), Cgasf::applyBoundaryConditions(), Cgsm::assignAnnulusEigenfunction(), Cgsm::assignBoundaryConditionsFOS(), Cgsm::assignBoundaryConditionsSOS(), Cgsm::assignHempInitialConditions(), Cgins::assignLineSolverBoundaryConditions(), Cgins::assignPressureRHS(), Cgsm::assignSpecialInitialConditions(), Cgcns::assignTestProblem(), Cgasf::assignTestProblem(), DomainSolver::boundaryConditionPredictor(), Cgsm::checkDisplacementAndStress(), DomainSolver::computeBodyForcing(), Cgasf::computeSource(), Cgasf::formAllSpeedPressureEquation(), Cgcns::getAugmentedSolution(), AsfParameters::getDerivedFunction(), CnsParameters::getDerivedFunction(), InsParameters::getDerivedFunction(), DomainSolver::getInitialConditions(), Cgins::getLineSolverBoundaryConditions(), InsParameters::getNormalForce(), Cgasf::getTimeSteppingEigenvalue(), Cgasf::getUt(), if(), Cgasf::initializeSolution(), DomainSolver::initializeTimeSteppingIM(), DomainSolver::initializeTimeSteppingPC(), insbe1(), insbe2(), Cgmp::interfaceProjection(), Cgins::lineSolverBoundaryConditions(), DomainSolver::outputProbes(), MovingGrids::rigidBodyMotion(), CnsParameters::saveParametersToShowFile(), DomainSolver::saveShow(), AdParameters::setDefaultDataForABoundaryCondition(), AsfParameters::setDefaultDataForABoundaryCondition(), InsParameters::setDefaultDataForABoundaryCondition(), CnsParameters::setParameters(), InsParameters::setParameters(), CnsParameters::setTwilightZoneFunction(), InsParameters::setTwilightZoneFunction(), DomainSolver::setup(), DomainSolver::setVariableBoundaryValues(), Cgasf::solveForAllSpeedPressure(), Cgasf::solveForTimeIndependentVariables(), Cgins::solveForTimeIndependentVariables(), DomainSolver::takeTimeStepAF(), DomainSolver::takeTimeStepIM(), DomainSolver::takeTimeStepPC(), Cgins::turbulenceModels(), Cgins::updatePressureEquation(), Cgsm::userDefinedBoundaryValues(), DomainSolver::userDefinedBoundaryValues(), Cgsm::userDefinedForcing(), and DomainSolver::userDefinedForcing().
c Here are the statements we use to initialize the main subroutines below getReal* ! get visco plastic parameters nuViscoPlastic* else* write ut name* end if even if there is no T equation thermalExpansivity |
Referenced by CGINS_ApproximateFactorization::INS_Factor::addExplicitContribution(), Cgins::addForcing(), Cgins::advanceLineSolveNew(), Cgins::advanceLineSolveOld(), Cgins::applyFourthOrderBoundaryConditions(), Cgins::assignPressureRHS(), Cgins::getUt(), Cgins::insImplicitMatrix(), and Cgins::writeParameterSummary().