CG  Version 25
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Cgmp Class Reference

A multi-physics multi-domain solver. More...

#include <Cgmp.h>

Inheritance diagram for Cgmp:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Cgmp:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  InterfaceValueEnum { doNotSaveInterfaceValues, saveInterfaceTimeHistoryValues, saveInterfaceIterateValues }
- Public Types inherited from DomainSolver
enum  { defaultValue =-1234567 }
enum  ForcingTypeEnum { computeForcing, computeTimeDerivativeOfForcing }
enum  BoundaryConditionPredictorEnum { predictPressure, predictPressureAndVelocity }
enum  InterfaceOptionsEnum { getInterfaceRightHandSide, setInterfaceRightHandSide }
enum  Dimensions { maximumNumberOfGridFunctionsToUse =4, maximumNumberOfExtraFunctionsToUse =4 }
enum  ChangesEnum {
  gridWasAdded =1, gridWasChanged, gridWasRemoved, refinementWasAdded,

Public Member Functions

 Cgmp (CompositeGrid &cg, GenericGraphicsInterface *ps=NULL, Ogshow *show=NULL, const int &plotOption=1)
virtual ~Cgmp ()
virtual int assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions (std::vector< int > &newIndex, const real dt)
 : Assign the boundary conditions at an internal interface by solving the coupled interface equations.
virtual int assignInterfaceRightHandSide (int d, real t, real dt, int correct, std::vector< int > &gfIndex)
 Assign the RHS for the interface equations on the target domain d.
virtual int assignInterfaceRightHandSideOld (int d, real t, real dt, int correct, std::vector< int > &gfIndex)
virtual DomainSolverbuildModel (const aString &modelName, CompositeGrid &cg, GenericGraphicsInterface *ps=NULL, Ogshow *show=NULL, const int &plotOption=1)
virtual int buildRunTimeDialog ()
 Build the run time dialog. This dialog appears while a Domain solver is time stepping.
virtual int buildTimeSteppingDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the dialog that shows the various options for time stepping.
bool checkInterfaceForConvergence (const int correct, const int numberOfCorrectorSteps, const int numberOfRequiredCorrectorSteps, const real tNew, const bool alwaysSetBoundaryData, std::vector< int > &gfIndex, std::vector< real > &oldResidual, std::vector< real > &initialResidual, std::vector< real > &firstResidual, std::vector< real > &maxResidual, bool &interfaceIterationsHaveConverged)
 Check that the interface equations have converged to the required tolerance or if the maximum number of corrections has been reached.
virtual int cycleZero ()
 last minute checks and setups prior to actually running
bool checkIfInterfacesMatch (Mapping &map1, int &dir1, int &side1, Mapping &map2, int &dir2, int &side2)
virtual int finishAdvance ()
 perform tasks needed right after an advance (nothing right now), returns nonzero if the computation is finished
virtual int getInterfaceResiduals (real t, real dt, std::vector< int > &gfIndex, std::vector< real > &maxResidual, InterfaceValueEnum saveInterfaceValues=doNotSaveInterfaceValues)
 Evaluate the residuals in the interface equation and/or save a time history of interface values.
virtual int getInterfaceResidualsOld (real t, real dt, std::vector< int > &gfIndex, std::vector< real > &maxResidual, InterfaceValueEnum saveInterfaceValues=doNotSaveInterfaceValues)
virtual int getModelInfo (std::vector< aString > &modelName)
virtual real getTimeStep (GridFunction &gf)
virtual int getTimeSteppingOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog)
 Look for a time stepping option in the string "answer.
virtual int initializeInterfaceBoundaryConditions (real t, real dt, std::vector< int > &gfIndex)
 Initialize the interface boundary conditions when they are solved by iteration.
virtual int initializeInterfaces (std::vector< int > &newIndex)
 Find the interfaces and initialize the work-space.
virtual int interfaceProjection (real t, real dt, int correct, std::vector< int > &gfIndex, int option)
 Project values on the interface to stabilize the scheme.
virtual int multiDomainAdvance (real &t, real &tFinal)
 Multi-domain explicit/implicit time stepping.
virtual int multiDomainAdvanceNew (real &t, real &tFinal)
 Multi-domain explicit/implicit time stepping, NEW VERSION that supports AMR.
virtual int plot (const real &t, const int &optionIn, real &tFinal)
int plotDomainQuantities (std::vector< realCompositeGridFunction * > u, real t)
 Utility routine to plot contours, streamlines, grids etc. in the different domains.
virtual int printStatistics (FILE *file=stdout)
 Output timing statistics.
virtual void printTimeStepInfo (const int &step, const real &t, const real &cpuTime)
virtual int setParametersInteractively (bool runSetupOnExit=true)
 Setup the solvers and parameters for different domains.
virtual int setupAdvance ()
 perform tasks needed prior to an actual advance (file io stuff mostly), returns nonzero if the computation is finished
virtual int setupDomainSolverParameters (int domain, std::vector< aString > &modelNames)
 Setup the solver and parameters for a given domain.
virtual int setupPde (aString &reactionName, bool restartChosen, IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition)
 A virtual function to setup the PDE to be solved.
virtual void setup (const real &time=0.)
 Setup routine.
virtual void setTopLabel (std::vector< realCompositeGridFunction * > u, real t)
virtual void saveShow (GridFunction &gf)
 Save a solution in the show file.
virtual int advance (real &tFinal)
 Advance the solution to time tFinal.
virtual int solve ()
 The main routine to advance and plot the solution.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DomainSolver
 DomainSolver (Parameters &par, CompositeGrid &cg, GenericGraphicsInterface *ps=NULL, Ogshow *show=NULL, const int &plotOption=1)
 This is the constructor for the base class DomainSolver.
virtual ~DomainSolver ()
virtual int adaptGrids (GridFunction &gf0, int numberOfGridFunctionsToUpdate=0, realCompositeGridFunction *cgf=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *uWork=NULL)
virtual int addArtificialDissipation (realCompositeGridFunction &u, real dt)
virtual int addArtificialDissipation (realMappedGridFunction &u, real dt, int grid)
virtual int addConstraintEquation (Parameters &parameters, Oges &solver, realCompositeGridFunction &coeff, realCompositeGridFunction &ucur, realCompositeGridFunction &rhs, const int &numberOfComponents)
virtual void addForcing (realMappedGridFunction &dvdt, const realMappedGridFunction &u, int iparam[], real rparam[], realMappedGridFunction &dvdtImplicit=Overture::nullRealMappedGridFunction(), realMappedGridFunction *referenceFrameVelocity=NULL)
virtual int addGrids ()
virtual void advanceAdamsPredictorCorrector (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceAdamsPredictorCorrectorNew (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
 Advance using an Adams predictor corrector method (new way)
virtual void advanceADI (real &t, real &dt, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
void advanceForwardEulerNew (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
 Advance using an "forward-Euler" method (new way)
virtual void advanceImplicitMultiStep (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceImplicitMultiStepNew (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
 Generic advance routine that uses the separate time sub-step functions.
virtual int advanceLineSolve (LineSolve &lineSolve, const int grid, const int direction, realCompositeGridFunction &u0, realMappedGridFunction &f, realMappedGridFunction &residual, const bool refactor, const bool computeTheResidual=false)
virtual void advanceMidPoint (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceNewton (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceSecondOrderSystem (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceSteadyStateRungeKutta (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceTrapezoidal (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void advanceVariableTimeStepAdamsPredictorCorrector (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep)
virtual void allSpeedImplicitTimeStep (GridFunction &gf, real &t, real &dt0, int &numberOfTimeSteps, const real &nextTimeToPrint)
virtual int applyBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, const int &option=-1, int grid_=-1, GridFunction *puOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.)
virtual int applyBoundaryConditions (const real &t, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, const int &grid, const int &option=-1, realMappedGridFunction *puOld=NULL, realMappedGridFunction *pGridVelocityOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.)
virtual int applyBoundaryConditionsForImplicitTimeStepping (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int applyBoundaryConditionsForImplicitTimeStepping (realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &uL, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, real t, int scalarSystem, int grid)
virtual int assignInitialConditions (int gfIndex)
 Assign initial conditions.
virtual int applyFilter (int gfIndex)
 This function applies a spatial filter to the solution in gf[gfIndex].
virtual int assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, const int &option=-1, int grid_=-1, GridFunction *puOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.)
virtual void assignTestProblem (GridFunction &gf)
virtual void bodyForcingCleanup ()
 This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory.
virtual int boundaryConditionPredictor (const BoundaryConditionPredictorEnum bcpOption, const AdamsPCData &adamsData, const int orderOfExtrapolation, const int mNew, const int mCur, const int mOld, realCompositeGridFunction *puga=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *pugb=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *pugc=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *pugd=NULL)
 Apply operations required before applying the boundary conditions. E.g. extrapolate the pressure in time for fourth-order INS.
virtual int buildAdaptiveGridOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the dialog that shows the various general options.
virtual int buildAmrGridsForInitialConditions ()
 Build the AMR hierarchy of grids for the initial conditions.
virtual int buildForcingOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the dialog that shows the various forcing options.
virtual int buildGeneralOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the dialog that shows the various general options.
virtual int buildGrid (Mapping *&newMapping, int newGridNumber, IntegerArray &sharedBoundaryCondition)
virtual int buildOutputOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the output options dialog.
virtual void buildImplicitSolvers (CompositeGrid &cg)
virtual int buildMovingGridOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the dialog that shows the various general options.
virtual int buildPlotOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
 Build the plot options dialog.
void checkArrays (const aString &label)
void checkSolution (const realGridCollectionFunction &u, const aString &title, bool printResults=false)
int checkSolution (realMappedGridFunction &u, const aString &title, bool printResults, int grid, real &maxVal, bool printResultsOnFailure=false)
virtual void cleanupInitialConditions ()
 Cleanup routines after the initial conditions have been assigned.
virtual int computeBodyForcing (GridFunction &gf, const real &tForce)
 Compute the body forcing such as drag models, wake models and heat sources.
virtual void computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep (const real &t, const real &tFinal, const real &nextTimeToPrint, int &numberOfSubSteps, real &dtNew, const bool &adjustTimeStep=true)
virtual void correctMovingGrids (const real t1, const real t2, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2)
 Corrector step for moving grids.
const int & debug () const
virtual void determineErrors (GridFunction &cgf, const aString &label=nullString)
virtual void determineErrors (realCompositeGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction **gridVelocity, const real &t, const int options, RealArray &err, const aString &label=nullString)
virtual void determineErrors (realMappedGridFunction &v, const real &t)
virtual void displayBoundaryConditions (FILE *file=stdout)
virtual int displayParameters (FILE *file=stdout)
 Display DomainSolver parameters.
virtual int endTimeStep (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 End an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int endTimeStepFE (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 End an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int endTimeStepIM (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 End an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int endTimeStepPC (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 End an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int endTimeStepAF (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 End an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual void eulerStep (const real &t1, const real &t2, const real &t3, const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3, realCompositeGridFunction &ut, realCompositeGridFunction &uti, int stepNumber, int &numberOfSubSteps)
void extrapolateInterpolationNeighbours (GridFunction &gf, const Range &C)
 Extrapolate interpolation neighbours.
virtual int fixupUnusedPoints (realCompositeGridFunction &u)
virtual void formMatrixForImplicitSolve (const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf0)
virtual int getAmrErrorFunction (realCompositeGridFunction &u, real t, intCompositeGridFunction &errorFlag, realCompositeGridFunction &error)
virtual int getAmrErrorFunction (realCompositeGridFunction &u, real t, realCompositeGridFunction &error, bool computeOnFinestLevel=false)
virtual realCompositeGridFunction & getAugmentedSolution (GridFunction &gf0, realCompositeGridFunction &v)
const aString & getClassName () const
virtual int getAdaptiveGridOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog)
 : Look for a general option in the string "answer"
virtual int getForcingOption (const aString &command, DialogData &dialog)
 : Look for a forcing option in the string "answer"
virtual int getGeneralOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog)
 : Look for a general option in the string "answer"
virtual void getGridInfo (real &totalNumberOfGridPoints, real dsMin[3], real dsAve[3], real dsMax[3], real &maxMax, real &maxMin, real &minMin)
 Evaluate the min and max grid spacing, total number of grid points etc.
virtual void getGridVelocity (GridFunction &gf0, const real &tGV)
virtual int getInitialConditions (const aString &command=nullString, DialogData *interface=NULL, GUIState *guiState=NULL, DialogState *dialogState=NULL)
 Determine the type of initial conditions to assign.
virtual int getInterfaceDataOptions (GridFaceDescriptor &info, int &interfaceDataOptions) const
 Return the interface data required for a given type of interface.
int getMaterialProperties (GridFunction &solution, realCompositeGridFunction &matProp)
 Evaluate the variable material parameters (for plotting for example).
real getMovingGridMaximumRelativeCorrection ()
 Return the maximum relative change in the moving grid correction scheme. This is usually only an issue for "light" bodies.
bool getMovingGridCorrectionHasConverged ()
 Return true if the correction steps for moving grids have converged. This is usually only an issue for "light" bodies.
virtual int getMovingGridOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog)
 : Look for a general option in the string "answer"
const aString & getName () const
virtual int getOutputOption (const aString &command, DialogData &dialog)
 : Look for an output option in the string "answer"
const aString & getPdeName () const
virtual int getPlotOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog)
 : Look for a plot option in the string "answer"
virtual int getResidual (real t, real dt, GridFunction &cgf, realCompositeGridFunction &residual)
 Compute the residual for "steady state" solvers.
int getResidualInfo (real t0, const realCompositeGridFunction &residual, real &maximumResidual, real &maximuml2, FILE *file=NULL)
 Compute the max and l2 residuals and optionally output the info to a file.
virtual void getSolutionBounds (const realMappedGridFunction &u, realArray &uMin, realArray &uMax, real &uvMax)
virtual int getTimeDependentBoundaryConditions (MappedGrid &mg, real t, int grid=0, int side0=-1, int axis0=-1, ForcingTypeEnum forcingType=computeForcing)
virtual int getTimeDerivativeOfBoundaryValues (GridFunction &gf0, const real &t, const int &grid, int side=-1, int axis=-1)
virtual real getTimeStep (MappedGrid &mg, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, const Parameters::TimeSteppingMethod &timeSteppingMethod, const int &grid)
int getTimeStepAndNumberOfSubSteps (GridFunction &cgf, int stepNumber, int &numberOfSubSteps, real &dt)
 Compute a new time step and the number sub-steps to reach the next time to print.
virtual void getTimeSteppingEigenvalue (MappedGrid &mg, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, real &reLambda, real &imLambda, const int &grid)
virtual void getUt (GridFunction &cgf, const real &t, RealCompositeGridFunction &ut, real tForce)
virtual int getUt (const realMappedGridFunction &v, const realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, realMappedGridFunction &dvdt, int iparam[], real rparam[], realMappedGridFunction &dvdtImplicit=Overture::nullRealMappedGridFunction(), MappedGrid *pmg2=NULL, const realMappedGridFunction *pGridVelocity2=NULL)
virtual void implicitSolve (const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf0)
virtual int initializeInterfaces (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int initializeSolution ()
virtual int initializeTimeStepping (real &t0, real &dt0)
 Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function).
virtual int initializeTimeSteppingFE (real &t0, real &dt0)
 Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function).
virtual int initializeTimeSteppingIM (real &t0, real &dt0)
 Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function).
virtual int initializeTimeSteppingPC (real &t0, real &dt0)
 Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function).
virtual int initializeTimeSteppingAF (real &t0, real &dt0)
 Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function).
virtual int initializeTurbulenceModels (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int interfaceRightHandSide (InterfaceOptionsEnum option, int interfaceDataOptions, GridFaceDescriptor &info, GridFaceDescriptor &gfd, int gfIndex, real t)
virtual int interpolate (GridFunction &cgf, const Range &R=nullRange)
virtual int interpolateAndApplyBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, GridFunction *uOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.)
virtual bool isImplicitMatrixSingular (realCompositeGridFunction &uL)
virtual int jetInflow (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual void moveGrids (const real &t1, const real &t2, const real &t3, const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3)
virtual bool movingGridProblem () const
virtual int newAdaptiveGridBuilt (CompositeGrid &cg, realCompositeGridFunction &u, bool updateSolution)
const int & numberOfComponents () const
virtual int output (GridFunction &gf0, int stepNumber)
virtual void outputHeader ()
 Output the main header banner that includes info about the grid and parameters.
virtual int outputProbes (GridFunction &gf0, int stepNumber)
 output probe information at a given time
virtual void outputSolution (realCompositeGridFunction &u, const real &t, const aString &label=nullString, int printOption=0)
virtual void outputSolution (const realMappedGridFunction &u, const real &t)
virtual int parabolicInflow (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int printMemoryUsage (FILE *file=stdout)
 Output information about the memory usage.
void printP (const char *format,...) const
 Domain solver print function with a prefix identifier string.
virtual int project (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int readRestartFile (realCompositeGridFunction &v, real &t, const aString &restartFileName=nullString)
virtual int readRestartFile (GridFunction &cgf, const aString &restartFileName=nullString)
virtual int saveSequenceInfo (real t0, const realCompositeGridFunction &residual)
 Save sequence info (such as the norm of the residual) into the time history arrays.
virtual int saveSequencesToShowFile ()
 Save sequence info to the show file.
virtual int saveRestartFile (const GridFunction &cgf, const aString &restartFileName)
virtual void saveShowFileComments (Ogshow &show)
 Save comments in the show file.
virtual int setBoundaryConditionsInteractively (const aString &answer, const IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition)
virtual int setDefaultDataForBoundaryConditions ()
virtual int setFinalTime (const real &tFinal)
 Set the time to integrate to.
virtual void setInterfacesAtPastTimes (const real &t1, const real &t2, const real &t3, const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3)
 Assign interface positions for "negative" times.
virtual int setInterfaceBoundaryCondition (GridFaceDescriptor &info)
 Setup an interface boundary condition.
void setName (const aString &name)
void setNameOfGridFile (const aString &name)
 Provide the name of the file from which the overlapping grid was read.
virtual int setOgesBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, IntegerArray &boundaryConditions, RealArray &boundaryConditionData, const int imp)
virtual int setPlotTitle (const real &t, const real &dt)
 Set the plot titles for interactive plotting.
virtual void setSensitivity (GUIState &dialog, bool trueOrFalse)
virtual int setSolverParameters (const aString &command=nullString, DialogData *interface=NULL)
 Prompt for changes in the solver parameters.
virtual int setupGridFunctions ()
 Allocate and initialize grid functions, based on the time-stepping method.
virtual int setupUserDefinedForcing ()
virtual int setupUserDefinedInitialConditions ()
virtual int setupUserDefinedMaterialProperties ()
 Interactively choose material properties (e.g. rho,mu,lambda for elasticity)
virtual int setVariableBoundaryValues (const real &t, GridFunction &gf0, const int &grid, int side0=-1, int axis0=-1, ForcingTypeEnum forcingType=computeForcing)
 Assign the right-hand-side for variable boundary conditions.
virtual int setVariableMaterialProperties (GridFunction &gf, const real &t)
 Assign variable material properties: user-defined or "body-force" regions.
virtual real sizeOf (FILE *file=NULL) const
virtual void smoothVelocity (GridFunction &cgf, const int numberOfSmooths)
virtual void solveForTimeIndependentVariables (GridFunction &cgf, bool updateSolutionDependentEquations=false)
 : Solve for the pressure given the velocity.
virtual int startTimeStep (real &t0, real &dt0, int &currentGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int startTimeStepFE (real &t0, real &dt0, int &currentGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int startTimeStepIM (real &t0, real &dt0, int &currentGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int startTimeStepPC (real &t0, real &dt0, int &currentGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int startTimeStepAF (real &t0, real &dt0, int &currentGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function) for an approximate factorization method.
virtual void takeOneStep (real &t, real &dt, int stepNumber, int &numberOfSubSteps)
 Advance one time-step. This function is used by the multi-physics solver Cgmp.
virtual int takeTimeStep (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Take a single time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int takeTimeStepFE (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Take a single time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int takeTimeStepIM (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Take a single time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int takeTimeStepPC (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Take a single time step (a time sub-step function).
virtual int takeTimeStepAF (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions)
 Take a time step using the approximate factored scheme.
virtual int timeIndependentBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf)
virtual void initializeFactorization ()
virtual int tracking (GridFunction &gf0, int stepNumber)
const bool & twilightZoneFlow () const
virtual int userDefinedBoundaryValues (const real &t, GridFunction &gf0, const int &grid, int side0=-1, int axis0=-1, ForcingTypeEnum forcingType=computeForcing)
 Assign user specific values for boundary conditions.
virtual void userDefinedCleanup ()
 This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory.
virtual int userDefinedGrid (GridFunction &gfct, Mapping *&newMapping, int newGridNumber, IntegerArray &sharedBoundaryCondition)
virtual int userDefinedForcing (realCompositeGridFunction &f, GridFunction &gf, const real &tForce)
 User defined forcing. Compute a user defined forcing that will be added to the right-hand side of the equations. This function is called to actually evaluate the user defined forcing The function setupUserDefinedForcing is first called to assign the option and parameters. Rewrite or add new options to this function and to setupUserDefinedForcing to supply your own forcing option.
virtual void userDefinedForcingCleanup ()
 This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory.
virtual int userDefinedInitialConditions (CompositeGrid &cg, realCompositeGridFunction &u)
virtual void userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup ()
virtual int userDefinedMaterialProperties (GridFunction &gf)
 Assign the user defined material properties.
virtual void userDefinedMaterialPropertiesCleanup ()
 This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory.
virtual int userDefinedOutput (GridFunction &gf, int stepNumber)
virtual int updateForAdaptiveGrids (CompositeGrid &cg)
virtual int updateForMovingGrids (GridFunction &cgf)
 Update the DomainSolver after grids have moved or have been adapted.
virtual int updateForNewTimeStep (GridFunction &gf, const real &dt)
 Update the geometry arrays.
virtual int updateGeometryArrays (GridFunction &cgf)
 Update geometry arrays, solution at old times etc. after the time step has changed.
virtual int updateToMatchGrid (CompositeGrid &cg)
virtual int updateToMatchNewGrid (CompositeGrid &cgNew, IntegerArray &changes, IntegerArray &sharedBoundaryCondition, GridFunction &gf0)
virtual int updateStateVariables (GridFunction &cgf, int stage=-1)
 Ths function is used to update state-variables. For example, the visco plastic viscosity.
virtual void updateTimeIndependentVariables (CompositeGrid &cg0, GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int updateVariableTimeInterpolation (int newGrid, GridFunction &cgf)
virtual int updateWorkSpace (GridFunction &gf0)
virtual int variableTimeStepBoundaryInterpolation (int grid, GridFunction &cgf)
virtual void writeParameterSummary (FILE *file)
realCompositeGridFunction & p () const
realCompositeGridFunction & px () const
realCompositeGridFunction & rL () const
realCompositeGridFunction & pL () const
realCompositeGridFunction & rho () const
realCompositeGridFunction & gam () const

Public Attributes

std::vector< DomainSolver * > domainSolver
Interpolant * interpolant
- Public Attributes inherited from DomainSolver
CompositeGrid & cg
OgesParameters pressureSolverParameters
OgesParameters implicitTimeStepSolverParameters
CompositeGridOperators finiteDifferenceOperators
real dt
int numberOfStepsTaken
GridFunction gf [maximumNumberOfGridFunctionsToUse]
int current
int movieFrame
aString movieFileName
int numberOfGridFunctionsToUse
int numberOfExtraFunctionsToUse
int totalNumberOfArrays
realCompositeGridFunction fn [maximumNumberOfExtraFunctionsToUse]
RealArray variableDt
RealArray variableTime
realArray * ui
RealArray tv
RealArray tvb
RealArray tv0
realCompositeGridFunction coeff
int numberOfImplicitSolvers
Oges * implicitSolver
realCompositeGridFunction * implicitCoeff
Oges * poisson
realCompositeGridFunction pressureRightHandSide
realCompositeGridFunction poissonCoefficients
realCompositeGridFunction * pp
realCompositeGridFunction * ppx
realCompositeGridFunction * prL
realCompositeGridFunction * ppL
realCompositeGridFunction * prho
realCompositeGridFunction * pgam
realCompositeGridFunction * pvIMS
realCompositeGridFunction * pwIMS
realCompositeGridFunction * previousPressure
realCompositeGridFunction * puLinearized
realMappedGridFunction * pGridVelocityLinearized
bool gridHasMaterialInterfaces
realCompositeGridFunction * pdtVar
std::vector< real > hMin
std::vector< real > hMax
std::vector< real > numberOfGridPoints
std::vector< real > dtv
std::vector< real > realPartOfEigenvalue
std::vector< real > imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue
int numberSavedToShowFile
CG_ApproximateFactorization::FactorList factors

Protected Member Functions

int getInterfaceType (GridFaceDescriptor &gridDescriptor)
 Return the interface type for a given grid face on the interface.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DomainSolver
static int getBounds (const realCompositeGridFunction &u, RealArray &uMin, RealArray &uMax, real &uvMax)
static int getOriginalBoundaryConditions (CompositeGrid &cg, IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition)
 Save the original boundary conditions from the CompositeGrid.
- Protected Attributes inherited from DomainSolver
aString name
aString className
aString pdeName
int restartNumber
DialogData * pUniformFlowDialog
DialogData * pStepFunctionDialog
DialogData * pShowFileDialog
DialogData * pTzOptionsDialog
int chooseAComponentMenuItem
int numberOfPushButtons
int numberOfTextBoxes
int itemsToPlot

Detailed Description

A multi-physics multi-domain solver.

This solver can be use to solve multi-physics problems where different equations are solved in different domians. One such example would be to solve a thermal hydraulics problem where Cgins is used in the fluid domain and Cgad in the solid domain.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Cgmp::Cgmp ( CompositeGrid &  cg,
GenericGraphicsInterface *  ps = NULL,
Ogshow *  show = NULL,
const int &  plotOption = 1 
Cgmp::~Cgmp ( )

Member Function Documentation

int Cgmp::advance ( real &  tFinal)

Advance the solution to time tFinal.

This routine advances the solution a number of sub-steps.

tFinal(input) : integrate in time to this value.

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

References DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, domainSolver, Parameters::forwardEuler, DomainSolver::gf, Parameters::implicit, multiDomainAdvance(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), and GridFunction::t.

Referenced by solve().

int Cgmp::assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions ( std::vector< int > &  gfIndex,
const real  dt 

: Assign the boundary conditions at an internal interface by solving the coupled interface equations.

gfIndex(input) : Domain d should use the grid function : domainSolver[d]->gf[gfIndex[d]]

: This routine solves the coupled heatFlux boundary conditions directly.

References assert(), GridFaceDescriptor::axis, GridFunction::cg, d, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), dir, display(), GridFaceDescriptor::domain, domainSolver, DomainSolver::dt, dx1, ForDomain, getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), DomainSolver::gf, GridFaceDescriptor::grid, DomainSolver::gridHasMaterialInterfaces, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide1, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide2, gridType, I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, initializeInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), initializeInterfaces(), interfaceCgCm, J1, J2, J3, kappa, np, DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), GridFaceDescriptor::side, GridFunction::t, and GridFunction::u.

Referenced by multiDomainAdvance().

int Cgmp::assignInterfaceRightHandSide ( int  d,
real  t,
real  dt,
int  correct,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex 

Assign the RHS for the interface equations on the target domain d.

Assign values in the BoundaryDataArray : domainSolver[d]->getBoundaryData(grid); on domain d by evaluating the RHS for the interface equations. For example, the RHS may be the solution value "u" or the normal component of the "stress", k u.n from the opposite side of the interface.

d(input) : target domain, assign RHS for this domain.
t(input) : current time
dt(input) : current time step
correct(input) : correction step number.
gfIndex(input) : Domain d should use the grid function : domainSolver[d]->gf[gfIndex[d]]

References GridFaceDescriptor::a, a0, assert(), assignInterfaceRightHandSideOld(), GridFaceDescriptor::axis, GridFunction::cg, InterfaceDataHistory::current, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), dir, display(), GridFaceDescriptor::domain, InterfaceDescriptor::domain1, InterfaceDescriptor::domain2, domainSolver, DomainSolver::getInterfaceRightHandSide, GridFaceDescriptor::grid, grid, DomainSolver::gridHasMaterialInterfaces, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide1, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide2, Parameters::heatFluxInterface, I1, I2, I3, initializeInterfaces(), GridFaceDescriptor::interfaceDataHistory, GridFaceDescriptor::interfaceDataIterates, InterfaceDataHistory::interfaceDataList, InterfaceDescriptor::interfaceOmega, InterfaceDescriptor::interfaceTransfer, mask, maskLocal, mg, ok, omega, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), DomainSolver::setInterfaceRightHandSide, side, GridFaceDescriptor::side, sourceArray, targetArray, tc, Parameters::tractionInterface, InterfaceTransfer::transferData(), GridFaceDescriptor::u, u, and uc.

Referenced by multiDomainAdvance(), and multiDomainAdvanceNew().

int Cgmp::assignInterfaceRightHandSideOld ( int  d,
real  t,
real  dt,
int  correct,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex 
DomainSolver * Cgmp::buildModel ( const aString &  modelName,
CompositeGrid &  cg,
GenericGraphicsInterface *  ps = NULL,
Ogshow *  show = NULL,
const int &  plotOption = 1 
int Cgmp::buildRunTimeDialog ( )
int Cgmp::buildTimeSteppingDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)

Build the dialog that shows the various options for time stepping.

dialog(input) :

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

References assert(), DomainSolver::buildTimeSteppingDialog(), Parameters::dbase, Parameters::numberOfTimeSteppingMethods, and DomainSolver::parameters.

bool Cgmp::checkIfInterfacesMatch ( Mapping &  map1,
int &  dir1,
int &  side1,
Mapping &  map2,
int &  dir2,
int &  side2 

invert points from grid1 onto grid2

References a, r, s, and x.

Referenced by initializeInterfaces().

bool Cgmp::checkInterfaceForConvergence ( const int  correct,
const int  numberOfCorrectorSteps,
const int  numberOfRequiredCorrectorSteps,
const real  tNew,
const bool  alwaysSetBoundaryData,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex,
std::vector< real > &  oldResidual,
std::vector< real > &  initialResidual,
std::vector< real > &  firstResidual,
std::vector< real > &  maxResidual,
bool &  interfaceIterationsHaveConverged 

Check that the interface equations have converged to the required tolerance or if the maximum number of corrections has been reached.

correct(input) : current corrector step
numberOfCorrectorSteps(input) : maximum number of corrector steps allowed.
numberOfRequiredCorrectorSteps(input) : we must take at least this many corrector steps
tNew(input) : current time.
alwaysSetBoundaryData(input) :
gfIndex(input) :
oldResidual,initialResidual,firstResidual(input) :
maxResidual(output) :
interfaceIterationsHaveConverged(output) : true if the interface equations have converged to the requested tolerance
value: true if the interface equations have converged or if the maximum number of corrections has been reached, false otherwise.

References assert(), cr, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), DomainSolver::dt, getInterfaceResiduals(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), and saveInterfaceIterateValues.

Referenced by multiDomainAdvance(), and multiDomainAdvanceNew().

int Cgmp::cycleZero ( )

last minute checks and setups prior to actually running

References setupAdvance().

Referenced by solve().

int Cgmp::finishAdvance ( )

perform tasks needed right after an advance (nothing right now), returns nonzero if the computation is finished

Referenced by solve().

int Cgmp::getInterfaceResiduals ( real  t,
real  dt,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex,
std::vector< real > &  maxResidual,
InterfaceValueEnum  saveInterfaceValues = doNotSaveInterfaceValues 

Evaluate the residuals in the interface equation and/or save a time history of interface values.

This routine will query the domains for the current values of the interface variables. These interface variables may be then saved in a time history list (to be used with extrapolating forward in time or for computing time derivatives of the interface values). The interface values can also be used to evaluate the residual in the interface jump equations to see how well these equations are satisfied.

For interfaces with non-matching grid points we need to query the interface values from one side of the interface and then transfer (i.e. interpolate) these values to the grid on the other side of the interface (and vice versa) before we can compute the interface residuals.

t(input) : current time
dt(input) : current time step
correct(input) : correction step number.
gfIndex(input) : Domain d should use the grid function : domainSolver[d]->gf[gfIndex[d]]
maxResidual(output) : Maximum residual in the interface equations for each interface.
saveInterfaceValues(input) : One of doNotSaveInterfaceValues, saveInterfaceTimeHistoryValues, or saveInterfaceIterateValues to indicate whether interface values should be saved in a list for later use.

References GridFaceDescriptor::a, assert(), GridFaceDescriptor::axis, c, GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::cg, InterfaceDataHistory::current, d, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), dir, display(), GridFaceDescriptor::domain, InterfaceDescriptor::domain1, InterfaceDescriptor::domain2, domainSolver, FOR_3D, getInterfaceResidualsOld(), DomainSolver::getInterfaceRightHandSide, DomainSolver::gf, GridFaceDescriptor::grid, grid, DomainSolver::gridHasMaterialInterfaces, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide1, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide2, Parameters::heatFluxInterface, Parameters::heatFluxInterfaceData, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, GridFaceDescriptor::interfaceDataHistory, GridFaceDescriptor::interfaceDataIterates, InterfaceDataHistory::interfaceDataList, InterfaceDescriptor::interfaceTolerance, InterfaceDescriptor::interfaceTransfer, jumpAtInterface, mask, maskLocal, mg, nSign, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), ok, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), saveInterfaceIterateValues, saveInterfaceTimeHistoryValues, side, GridFaceDescriptor::side, sourceArray, targetArray, tc, Parameters::tractionInterface, InterfaceTransfer::transferData(), GridFaceDescriptor::u, u, DomainSolver::ui, us, and ut().

Referenced by checkInterfaceForConvergence(), multiDomainAdvance(), and multiDomainAdvanceNew().

int Cgmp::getInterfaceResidualsOld ( real  t,
real  dt,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex,
std::vector< real > &  maxResidual,
InterfaceValueEnum  saveInterfaceValues = doNotSaveInterfaceValues 
int Cgmp::getInterfaceType ( GridFaceDescriptor gridDescriptor)

Return the interface type for a given grid face on the interface.

References GridFaceDescriptor::axis, dir, GridFaceDescriptor::domain, domainSolver, GridFaceDescriptor::grid, grid, side, and GridFaceDescriptor::side.

Referenced by interfaceProjection().

int Cgmp::getModelInfo ( std::vector< aString > &  modelName)
real Cgmp::getTimeStep ( GridFunction gf)
int Cgmp::getTimeSteppingOption ( const aString &  answer,
DialogData &  dialog 

Look for a time stepping option in the string "answer.

answer(input) : check this command for a change to the time stepping options
dialog(input) :

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

References Parameters::adamsPredictorCorrector2, assert(), Parameters::crankNicolson, Parameters::dbase, Parameters::forwardEuler, DomainSolver::getTimeSteppingOption(), Parameters::implicit, Parameters::midPoint, Parameters::notImplicit, DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), and Parameters::setGridIsImplicit().

int Cgmp::initializeInterfaceBoundaryConditions ( real  t,
real  dt,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex 

Initialize the interface boundary conditions when they are solved by iteration.

When we iterate to solve the interface conditions we need to specify what sub-set of the interface conditions we solve on each domain.

t(input) : current time
dt(input) : current time step
gfIndex(input) : Domain d should use the grid function : domainSolver[d]->gf[gfIndex[d]]

References GridFaceDescriptor::a, a11, assert(), axis, GridFaceDescriptor::axis, GridFunction::cg, d, Parameters::dbase, Parameters::dirichletInterface, GridFaceDescriptor::domain, domainSolver, GridFaceDescriptor::grid, DomainSolver::gridHasMaterialInterfaces, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide1, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide2, Parameters::heatFluxInterface, initializeInterfaces(), GridFaceDescriptor::interfaceBC, Parameters::neumannInterface, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), GridFaceDescriptor::side, Parameters::tractionInterface, and GridFunction::u.

Referenced by assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), multiDomainAdvance(), and multiDomainAdvanceNew().

int Cgmp::initializeInterfaces ( std::vector< int > &  gfIndex)
int Cgmp::interfaceProjection ( real  t,
real  dt,
int  correct,
std::vector< int > &  gfIndex,
int  option 

Project values on the interface to stabilize the scheme.

For an interface between a compressible fluid and an elastic solid we adjust the velocity and stress on the interface so that the time stepping scheme remains stable for different material properties. For example this correction is useful for the case of a "light" solid next to a "heavy" fluid is

t(input) : current time
dt(input) : current time step
correct(input) : correction step number.
gfIndex(input) : Domain d should use the grid function : domainSolver[d]->gf[gfIndex[d]]
option(input) : 0=set values on the interface , 1=apply BC's to ghost points

References assert(), GridFaceDescriptor::axis, GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::className, cp, d, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), dir, GridFaceDescriptor::domain, domainSolver, DomainSolver::dt, dx1, FOR_3D, ForDomain, GridFunction::getGridVelocity(), getInterfaceType(), getLocalBoundsAndBoundaryConditions(), DomainSolver::gf, GridFaceDescriptor::grid, DomainSolver::gridHasMaterialInterfaces, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide1, InterfaceDescriptor::gridListSide2, gridType, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, interfaceCnsSm, Parameters::isMovingGridProblem(), J1, J2, J3, lambda, mu, np, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, pc, printF(), s11c, s12c, s13c, s21c, s22c, s23c, s31c, s32c, s33c, GridFaceDescriptor::side, GridFunction::t, tc, Parameters::tractionInterface, GridFunction::u, uc, v1c, v2c, v3c, vc, and wc.

Referenced by multiDomainAdvanceNew().

int Cgmp::multiDomainAdvance ( real &  t,
real &  tFinal 
int Cgmp::multiDomainAdvanceNew ( real &  t,
real &  tFinal 
int Cgmp::plot ( const real &  t,
const int &  optionIn,
real &  tFinal 
int Cgmp::plotDomainQuantities ( std::vector< realCompositeGridFunction * >  u,
real  t 

Utility routine to plot contours, streamlines, grids etc. in the different domains.

References d, Parameters::dbase, domainSolver, ForDomain, DomainSolver::parameters, and setTopLabel().

Referenced by plot().

int Cgmp::printStatistics ( FILE *  file = stdout)

Output timing statistics.

This information is normally printed at the end of the run.

file(input) : output to this file.

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

References DomainSolver::cg, d, Parameters::dbase, domainSolver, ForDomain, DomainSolver::getClassName(), DomainSolver::getName(), grid, i, Parameters::implicit, m, np, DomainSolver::numberOfGridPoints, DomainSolver::numberOfStepsTaken, DomainSolver::output(), DomainSolver::p(), DomainSolver::parameters, DomainSolver::poisson, printF(), s, and Parameters::timeSteppingName.

Referenced by main().

void Cgmp::printTimeStepInfo ( const int &  step,
const real &  t,
const real &  cpuTime 
void Cgmp::saveShow ( GridFunction gf0)

Save a solution in the show file.

gf0(input) : save this grid function.
The array of Strings, parameters.dbase.get<aString* >("showVariableName"), holds a list of the things to save in the show file.

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

References assert(), DomainSolver::cg, d, Parameters::dbase, domainSolver, DomainSolver::dt, Parameters::isMovingGridProblem(), DomainSolver::numberSavedToShowFile, DomainSolver::parameters, and printF().

Referenced by solve().

int Cgmp::setParametersInteractively ( bool  callSetup = true)

Setup the solvers and parameters for different domains.

callSetup(input) : if true call setup.

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

References cg, d, ForDomain, printF(), and DomainSolver::setParametersInteractively().

Referenced by main().

void Cgmp::setTopLabel ( std::vector< realCompositeGridFunction * >  u,
real  t 

References d, domainSolver, and ForDomain.

Referenced by plotDomainQuantities().

void Cgmp::setup ( const real &  time = 0.)
int Cgmp::setupAdvance ( )

perform tasks needed prior to an actual advance (file io stuff mostly), returns nonzero if the computation is finished

perform tasks needed prior to an actual advance (file io stuff mostly), returns nonzero if the computation is finished.

References d, domainSolver, DomainSolver::dt, ForDomain, and DomainSolver::gf.

Referenced by cycleZero(), and solve().

int Cgmp::setupDomainSolverParameters ( int  domain,
std::vector< aString > &  modelNames 

Setup the solver and parameters for a given domain.

domain(input) : domain number to setup.
modelNames(input) : names of available models (PDE solvers).

References assert(), cg, i, printF(), and s.

int Cgmp::setupPde ( aString &  reactionName,
bool  restartChosen,
IntegerArray &  originalBoundaryCondition 

A virtual function to setup the PDE to be solved.

This function is called at the very start in order to setup the equations to be solved etc.

reactionName(input) :
restartChosen(input) :
originalBoundaryCondition(input) :

Reimplemented from DomainSolver.

int Cgmp::solve ( )

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<DomainSolver*> Cgmp::domainSolver
Interpolant* Cgmp::interpolant

Referenced by Cgmp(), and ~Cgmp().

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