Version 25
#include <Maxwell.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Maxwell () | |
Constructor for the Maxwell solver. | |
~Maxwell () | |
int | addDissipation (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields, const Range &C) |
Add in an artificial dissipation. | |
void | addFilter (int current, real t, real dt) |
bool | adjustBoundsForPML (MappedGrid &mg, Index Iv[3], int extra=0) |
void | advanceC (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields) |
Advance on a curvilinear grid using the DSI scheme. | |
void | advanceDSI (int current, real t, real dt) |
Advance on a curvilinear or unstructured grid using the DSI scheme. | |
void | advanceFDTD (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt) |
Advance a step with the Yee scheme. – Cartesian grids only —. | |
void | advanceNew (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields) |
Advance on a curvilinear grid using the new DSI scheme. | |
void | advanceNFDTD (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt) |
Advance on a curvilinear grid. | |
void | advanceSOSUP (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt) |
Advance using the second-order-system upwind scheme. | |
void | advanceUnstructuredDSI (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields) |
void | advanceUnstructuredDSIMV (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields) |
void | assignBoundaryConditions (int option, int grid, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &uOld, int current) |
Apply boundary conditions. | |
void | assignInitialConditions (int current, real t, real dt) |
Assign initial conditions. | |
void | assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions (int current, real t, real dt) |
int | buildRunTimeDialog () |
int | buildVariableDissipation () |
void | checkArrays (const aString &label) |
void | computeDissipation (int current, real t, real dt) |
int | computeIntensity (int current, real t, real dt, int stepNumber, real nextTimeToPlot) |
Compute the time averaged intensity OR compute the real and imaginary components. | |
void | computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep (const real &t, const real &tFinal, const real &nextTimeToPlot, int &numberOfSubSteps, real &dtNew, const bool &adjustTimeStep=true) |
int | computeTimeStep () |
Determine the time step. | |
int | defineRegionsAndBodies () |
Assign the mask that denotes the locations of bodies for the Yee scheme. | |
void | displayBoundaryConditions (FILE *file=stdout) |
realCompositeGridFunction & | getAugmentedSolution (int current, realCompositeGridFunction &v, const real t) |
Create a grid function that holds all the things we can plot. | |
bool | getBoundsForPML (MappedGrid &mg, Index Iv[3], int extra=0) |
void | getChargeDensity (int current, real t, realCompositeGridFunction &u, int component=0) |
void | getChargeDensity (real t, realMappedGridFunction &u, int component=0) |
void | getEnergy (int current, real t, real dt) |
void | getErrors (int current, real t, real dt) |
Determine the errors. | |
void | getField (real x, real y, real t, real *eField) |
Return the true solution for the electric field. | |
int | getForcing (int current, int grid, realArray &u, real t, real dt, int option=0) |
void | getMaxDivergence (const int current, real t, realCompositeGridFunction *pu=NULL, int component=0, realCompositeGridFunction *pDensity=NULL, int rhoComponent=0, bool computeMaxNorms=true) |
int | getValuesFDTD (int option, int *iparam, int current, real t, real dt, realCompositeGridFunction *v=NULL) |
compute various quantities for the FDTD "Yee" scheme | |
void | initializeKnownSolution () |
void | initializeInterfaces () |
int | initializePlaneMaterialInterface () |
Initialize the constants that define the plane material interface solution. | |
int | initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions () |
int | interactiveUpdate (GL_GraphicsInterface &gi) |
void | outputHeader () |
Output the header banner with parameters and grid info. | |
int | outputResults (int current, real t, real dt) |
int | outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep (int current, real t, real dt, int stepNumber, real nextTimeToPlot) |
int | plot (int current, real t, real dt) |
int | printMemoryUsage (FILE *file=stdout) |
/brief: print the memory usage that cgmx thinks that it is using | |
int | printStatistics (FILE *file=stdout) |
int | project (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt) |
int | projectInterpolationPoints (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt) |
void | saveShow (int current, real t, real dt) |
int | saveParametersToShowFile () |
int | setBoundaryCondition (aString &answer, GL_GraphicsInterface &gi, IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition) |
int | setupGrids () |
Setup and initialization. Build the grid and solution fields. | |
int | setupGridFunctions () |
Setup and initialization. Build the solution fields. | |
int | setupUserDefinedForcing () |
This function is used to choose a user defined forcing and input parameters etc. | |
int | setupUserDefinedInitialConditions () |
choose a user defined initial condition. | |
void | smoothDivergence (realCompositeGridFunction &u, const int numberOfSmooths) |
int | solve (GL_GraphicsInterface &gi) |
Solve the equations. | |
int | updateProjectionEquation () |
bool | usingPMLBoundaryConditions () const |
int | updateShowFile (const aString &command=nullString, DialogData *interface=NULL) |
int | userDefinedForcing (realArray &f, int iparam[], real rparam[]) |
Evaluate the user defined forcing. | |
void | userDefinedForcingCleanup () |
This routine is called when cgmx is finished and can be used to clean up memory. | |
int | userDefinedInitialConditions (int current, real t, real dt) |
: Evaluate the user defined initial conditions. | |
void | userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup () |
realCompositeGridFunction & | getCGField (Maxwell::FieldEnum f, int tn) |
void | setupDSICoefficients () |
void | reconstructDSIField (real t, FieldEnum field, realMappedGridFunction &from, realMappedGridFunction &to) |
bool | reconstructDSIAtEntities (real t, FieldEnum field, IntegerArray &entities, realMappedGridFunction &from, RealArray &to) |
void | applyDSIBC (realMappedGridFunction &gf, real t, bool isEField, bool isProjection=true, int bcopt=defaultDSIBC) |
void | applyDSIForcing (realMappedGridFunction &gf, real t, real dt, bool isEField, bool isProjection=true) |
int | getCenters (MappedGrid &mg, UnstructuredMapping::EntityTypeEnum cent, realArray &xe) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static int | addPrefix (const aString label[], const aString &prefix, aString cmd[], const int maxCommands) |
static real | getMaxValue (real value, int processor=-1) |
static int | getMaxValue (int value, int processor=-1) |
static real | getMinValue (real value, int processor=-1) |
static int | getMinValue (int value, int processor=-1) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static aString | bcName [numberOfBCNames] |
Protected Member Functions | |
int | buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
int | buildForcingOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
int | buildPlotOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
int | buildInputOutputOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
int | buildPdeParametersDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
int | buildParametersDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
int | saveSequenceInfo (real t0, RealArray &sequenceData) |
int | saveSequencesToShowFile () |
enum Maxwell::DSIBCOption |
enum Maxwell::FieldEnum |
enum Maxwell::ForcingEnum |
enum Maxwell::MethodEnum |
enum Maxwell::TimingEnum |
Maxwell::Maxwell | ( | ) |
Constructor for the Maxwell solver.
References all, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, artificialDissipationInterval, bcOption, betaGaussianPlaneWave, boundingBoxDecayExponent, c, cfl, cgdissipation, cgerrp, cgfields, cgfn, cgop, cgp, checkErrors, checkFile, chevronAmplitude, chevronFrequency, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeEnergy, currentFn, cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, cylinderRadius, dbase, debug, debugFile, defaultInitialCondition, defaultMethod, defaultTimeStepping, degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, dissipation, divEMax, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, e_cgdissipation, elementType, eps, epsc, errorNorm, errp, ex, ex01, ex10, ext, ey, ey01, ey10, eyt, ez, ezt, fields, filterCoefficient, filterFrequency, fn, forcingOption, frequency, frequencyToProjectFields, frequencyToSaveInShowFile, frequencyToSaveProbes, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianPulseParameters, gaussianSourceParameters, gip, gradEMax, gridHasMaterialInterfaces, gridType, hx, hxt, hy, hyt, hz, hz11, hzt, i, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializeProjection, initialTotalEnergy, intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, interfaceEquationsOption, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, logFile, maskBodies, materialInterfaceOption, maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation, maximumNumberOfTimings, method, mgp, movieFrame, mu, muc, myid, nameOfReferenceShowFile, noForcing, noKnownSolution, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, np, numberLinesForPML, numberOfComponentsCurvilinearGrid, numberOfComponentsRectangularGrid, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfFields, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfFunctions, numberOfGaussianChargeSources, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfMaterialRegions, numberOfProjectionIterations, numberOfSequences, numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths, nx, omega, omegaForInterfaceIteration, omegaTimeHarmonic, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, pBodyMask, pDebugFile, pF, pHarmonicElectricField, pIntensity, pinterpolant, plotChoices, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotDSIMaxVertVals, plotDSIPoints, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotOptions, plotRho, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, pmlErrorOffset, pmlLayerStrength, pmlPower, poisson, polynomialTwilightZone, pPhi, pRho, probeFile, probeFileName, projectFields, projectInitialConditions, projectInterpolation, pwc, radbcAxis, radbcGrid, radbcSide, radiationBoundaryCondition, radiusForCheckingErrors, referenceShowFileReader, runTimeDialog, saveGridInShowFile, sequenceCount, show, showFileFrameForGrid, sigmaEc, sigmaHc, sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, structuredElements, tFinal, timeForAdvance, timeForAdvanceCurvilinearGrids, timeForAdvanceRectangularGrids, timeForAdvanceUnstructuredGrids, timeForAdvOpt, timeForBoundaryConditions, timeForComputingDeltaT, timeForDissipation, timeForDSIMatrix, timeForForcing, timeForGetError, timeForInitialConditions, timeForInitialize, timeForIntensity, timeForInterfaceBC, timeForInterpolate, timeForPlotting, timeForProject, timeForRadiationBC, timeForRaditionKernel, timeForShowFile, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries, timeForWaiting, timeSteppingMethod, timing, timingName, totalEnergy, totalNumberOfArrays, totalTime, tPlot, twilightZoneOption, tz, unknown, useChargeDensity, useConservative, useConservativeDivergence, useDivergenceCleaning, useGeneralBoundaryConditions, useNewInterfaceRoutines, useStreamMode, useTwilightZone, useTwilightZoneMaterials, useVariableDissipation, variableDissipation, vpml, x0GaussianPlaneWave, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, xab, y0GaussianPlaneWave, and z0GaussianPlaneWave.
Maxwell::~Maxwell | ( | ) |
References cgdissipation, cgerrp, cgfields, cgfn, cgop, cgp, checkFile, debugFile, dissipation, e_cgdissipation, errp, fields, fn, knownSolution, logFile, mgp, op, pDebugFile, pF, pHarmonicElectricField, pIntensity, pinterpolant, poisson, pPhi, pRho, probeFile, radiationBoundaryCondition, referenceShowFileReader, runTimeDialog, saveSequencesToShowFile(), show, tz, userDefinedForcingCleanup(), userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup(), variableDissipation, and vpml.
int Maxwell::addDissipation | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realMappedGridFunction * | field, | ||
const Range & | C | ||
) |
Add in an artificial dissipation.
C | (input) : apply to these components. |
References artificialDissipation, assert(), d, dissipation, getIndex(), I1, I2, I3, mg, n, numberOfTimeLevels, orderOfArtificialDissipation, and u.
Referenced by advanceC(), and advanceNew().
void Maxwell::addFilter | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References all, applyFilter, assert(), cgdissipation, cgfields, cgp, d, debug, ex, ey, ez, FD4A_2D, FD4A_3D, fields, filterCoefficient, getIndex(), grid, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, isRectangular, mask, maskLocal, mg, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mxFilter, myid, n, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, orderOfFilter, OV_ABORT(), printF(), timeForDissipation, timeSteppingMethod, timing, u, and uLocal.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD().
static |
References assert(), i, and printF().
Referenced by updateShowFile().
bool Maxwell::adjustBoundsForPML | ( | MappedGrid & | mg, |
Index | Iv[3], | ||
int | extra = 0 |
) |
References abcPML, axis, and numberLinesForPML.
Referenced by getErrors().
void Maxwell::advanceC | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realMappedGridFunction * | fields | ||
) |
Advance on a curvilinear grid using the DSI scheme.
References addDissipation(), all, artificialDissipation, assignBoundaryConditions(), c1, c2, center, currentFn, debug, display(), eps, ex, ex01, ex10, ey, ey01, ey10, fn, getIndex(), grid, hz, hz11, I1, I2, I3, J1, J2, J3, m1, m2, mg, mu, numberOfFunctions, numberOfTimeLevels, orderOfAccuracyInTime, printF(), uh, x, and y.
Referenced by advanceDSI().
void Maxwell::advanceDSI | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
Advance on a curvilinear or unstructured grid using the DSI scheme.
References advanceC(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), cg, cgdissipation, cgp, dissipation, dsi, dsiMatVec, E010, E100, e_cgdissipation, e_dissipation, EField, fields, getCGField(), grid, HField, method, mg, and mgp.
Referenced by solve().
void Maxwell::advanceFDTD | ( | int | numberOfStepsTaken, |
int | current, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
Advance a step with the Yee scheme. – Cartesian grids only —.
References assert(), axis, boundaryCondition(), c, cg, cgfields, cgp, debug, display(), dx, eps, epsc, epsv, ex, ey, ez, f, fields, forcingOption, getIndex(), getValuesFDTD(), grid, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, initialConditionOption, isRectangular, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, mask, maskBodies, maskLocal, media, mg, mgp, mu, muc, muv, mxYee, myid, n, numberOfPlaneMaterialInterfaceCoefficients, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, pBodyMask, pDebugFile, pmc, pwc, sigmaEc, sigmaEv, sigmaHc, sigmaHv, slowStartInterval, timeForAdvOpt, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries, timing, tz, u, ugLocal, uLocal, useTwilightZoneMaterials, and xab.
Referenced by solve().
void Maxwell::advanceNew | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realMappedGridFunction * | field | ||
) |
Advance on a curvilinear grid using the new DSI scheme.
Here we assume the grid is nearly orthogonal
References addDissipation(), all, artificialDissipation, center, debug, display(), dot(), eps, ex01, ex10, ey01, ey10, getIndex(), hz11, I1, I2, I3, J1, J2, J3, m1, m2, mg, mu, numberOfTimeLevels, u, x, and y.
Referenced by solve().
void Maxwell::advanceNFDTD | ( | int | numberOfStepsTaken, |
int | current, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
Advance on a curvilinear grid.
References addFilter(), advMaxwell, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), c, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, checkArrays(), computeDissipation(), currentFn, debug, debugFile, display(), divEMax, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, dx, eps, epsGrid, ex, ey, ez, f, fields, filterFrequency, FN, fn, forcingOption, frequencyToProjectFields, getBoundsForPML(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getIndex(), getMaxDivergence(), gradEMax, grid, gridType, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, isRectangular, J1, J2, J3, kx, ky, kz, m1, m2, m3, mask, maskLocal, method, mg, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muGrid, nfdtd, noForcing, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfFunctions, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, pDebugFile, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, printF(), project(), projectFields, projectInterpolation, projectInterpolationPoints(), sigmaEGrid, sigmaHGrid, sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, stoermerTimeStepping, timeForAdvanceCurvilinearGrids, timeForAdvanceRectangularGrids, timeForAdvOpt, timeForBoundaryConditions, timeForDissipation, timeForForcing, timeForInitialize, timeForInterpolate, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries, timeSteppingMethod, timing, u, uLocal, useConservative, useDivergenceCleaning, useVariableDissipation, and variableDissipation.
Referenced by solve().
void Maxwell::advanceSOSUP | ( | int | numberOfStepsTaken, |
int | current, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
Advance using the second-order-system upwind scheme.
References advSOSUP, assert(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), c, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, checkArrays(), currentFn, dbase, debug, debugFile, display(), divEMax, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, dx, eps, epsGrid, ex, ext, ey, eyt, ez, ezt, f, fields, forcingOption, frequencyToProjectFields, getBoundsForPML(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getIndex(), getMaxDivergence(), gradEMax, grid, gridType, hx, hxt, hy, hyt, hz, hzt, I1, I2, I3, isRectangular, kx, ky, kz, m, mask, maskLocal, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, noForcing, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfFunctions, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, OV_ABORT(), pDebugFile, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, printF(), project(), projectFields, projectInterpolation, projectInterpolationPoints(), sigmaEGrid, sigmaHGrid, sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, timeForAdvanceCurvilinearGrids, timeForAdvanceRectangularGrids, timeForAdvOpt, timeForBoundaryConditions, timeForForcing, timeForInitialize, timeForInterpolate, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries, timeSteppingMethod, timing, u, uLocal, useConservative, and useDivergenceCleaning.
Referenced by solve().
void Maxwell::advanceUnstructuredDSI | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realMappedGridFunction * | fields | ||
) |
References a, applyDSIBC(), artificialDissipation, assert(), debug, dissipation, e, eps, f, getForcing(), leastSq, mg, mu, nx, orderOfArtificialDissipation, printF(), simple, ulinks, and v.
Referenced by advanceDSI().
void Maxwell::advanceUnstructuredDSIMV | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realMappedGridFunction * | fields | ||
) |
References applyDSIBC(), applyDSIForcing(), artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationInterval, cg, cgp, debug, dispCoeff, dissipation, dsimv, E_dispCoeff, e_dissipation, Ecoeff, edgeAreaNormals, Eindex, Eoffset, faceAreaNormals, Hcoeff, Hindex, Hoffset, numberOfStepsTaken, orderOfArtificialDissipation, printF(), timeForDissipation, and timing.
Referenced by advanceDSI().
void Maxwell::applyDSIBC | ( | realMappedGridFunction & | gf, |
real | t, | ||
bool | isEField, | ||
bool | isProjection = true , |
int | bcopt = defaultDSIBC |
) |
References a, assert(), c1, c2, curlcurlcurlHBC, curlcurlHBC, curlHBC, dirichlet, e, edgeAreaNormals, EField, faceAreaNormals, forcedBC, forceExtrap, forcingOption, getCenters(), HField, hx, hy, hz, i, perfectElectricalConductor, reconstructDSIAtEntities(), timeForBoundaryConditions, timing, twilightZoneForcing, tz, useGhostInReconstruction, and zeroBC.
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSI(), and advanceUnstructuredDSIMV().
void Maxwell::applyDSIForcing | ( | realMappedGridFunction & | gf, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
bool | isEField, | ||
bool | isProjection = true |
) |
References assert(), edgeAreaNormals, f, faceAreaNormals, forcingOption, gaussianSource, getForcing(), i1, i2, i3, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, timeForForcing, timing, and twilightZoneForcing.
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV().
void Maxwell::assignBoundaryConditions | ( | int | option, |
int | grid, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realMappedGridFunction & | u, | ||
realMappedGridFunction & | uOld, | ||
int | current | ||
) |
Apply boundary conditions.
option,: | option=1 : apply BC's to E at t+dt/2; option=2 : apply BC's to H at t+dt, option=3 : apply all BC's |
References abc5, abcEM2, abcMaxwell, abcPML, adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField, adjustForIncident, all, assert(), RadiationBoundaryCondition::assignBoundaryConditions(), axis, bcOption, bcOptMaxwell, bcSymmetry, c, cc, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, cost, RadiationBoundaryCondition::debug, debug, debugFile, dir, dirichlet, display(), dsi, dtb2, dx, e, eps, epsGrid, ex, ex01, ex10, exmax, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, extTrue3d, ey, ey01, ey10, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, eytTrue3d, ez, ezt, ezTrue3d, eztTrue3d, f, fields, FOR_3D, forcingOption, frequency, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianPlaneWave, getBoundsForPML(), getChargeDensity(), getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), getLocalBoundsAndBoundaryConditions(), grid, gridType, hx, hxt, hxTrue3d, hy, hyt, hyTrue3d, hz, hz11, hzGaussianPulse, hzt, hzTrue, hzTrue3d, hztTrue, i, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ig1, Ig2, Ig3, includeGhost, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initializeKnownSolution(), interfaceBoundaryCondition, is2, isRectangular, knownSolution, kx, ky, kz, m, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, myid, n, nfdtd, np, numberLinesForPML, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, pDebugFile, perfectElectricalConductor, period, planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, planeWaveBoundaryCondition, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition, pmc, PML, pmlLayerStrength, pmlMaxwell, pmlPower, pRho, printF(), pwc, radbcGrid, radiationBoundaryCondition, rbcLocal, rbcNonLocal, rx, side, sint, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, symmetry, timeForBoundaryConditions, timing, tm, twilightZoneForcing, RadiationBoundaryCondition::tz, tz, u, U, UG, ugLocal, uLocal, useChargeDensity, vpml, VPML, WPML, x, X, x0GaussianPlaneWave, xe, y, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yee, and z.
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), and assignInitialConditions().
void Maxwell::assignInitialConditions | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
Assign initial conditions.
References a, a2, all, AMP2D, amplitude, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, assert(), assignBoundaryConditions(), besselPrimeZeros, besselZeros, bj, bjp, bjThetax, bjThetay, boundingBoxDecayExponent, buildCenter, c, cc, CE, center, cg, cgerrp, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, coskz, cosn, cost, cosTheta, currentFn, cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, cylinderLength, debug, debugFile, defaultInitialCondition, degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, display(), dsiMatVec, dtb2, dx, e, edgeAreaNormals, EField, emptyArray, emptySerialArray, eps, epsc, epsGrid, epsv, erre, errel, errep, errh, errhl, errhp, errp, ex, exGaussianPulse, exLaplacianTrue, exLaplacianTrue3d, exmax, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, ey, eyGaussianPulse, eyLaplacianTrue, eyLaplacianTrue3d, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, ez, ezLaplacianTrue3d, ezt, ezTrue3d, f, faceAreaNormals, fields, FN, fn, FOR_3, FOR_3D, forcingOption, frequency, ft, fx, fy, fz, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianPlaneWave, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, gaussianPulseParameters, getCenters(), getCGField(), getForcing(), getIndex(), getValuesFDTD(), gr, grid, gt, gx, gy, gz, HField, hx, hxLaplacianTrue3d, hxTrue3d, hy, hyLaplacianTrue3d, hyTrue3d, hz, hzGaussianPulse, hzLaplacianGaussianPulse, hzLaplacianTrue, hzLaplacianTrue3d, hzt, hzTrue, hzTrue3d, hztTrue, i, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ie1, Ie2, Ie3, Iev, Ih1, Ih2, Ih3, Ihv, includeGhost, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializeKnownSolution(), isRectangular, isStructured, J1, J2, J3, k, knownSolution, kx, ky, kz, lambda, m, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, mdbpz, mdbz, media, method, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muc, muGrid, muv, n, nc, ndbpz, ndbz, ndp, nfdtd, np1Factorial, numberOfFunctions, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfMaterialRegions, numberOfStepsTaken, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, orderOfAccuracyInTime, OV_ABORT(), period, planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition, pmc, polynomialTwilightZone, printF(), project(), projectInitialConditions, pulseTwilightZone, r, rc, rx, ry, scale, sigmaEc, sigmaEv, sigmaHc, sigmaHv, sinkz, sinn, sint, sinTheta, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, spatialCoefficientsForTZ, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, tE, tH, the, theta, thetax, thetay, timeCoefficientsForTZ, timeForInitialConditions, timeForProject, timeSteppingMethod, timing, tm, trigonometricTwilightZone, twilightZoneForcing, twilightZoneOption, tz, uc, ue, ueDim0, ueDim1, ueDim2, ueDimFA, uel, uep, uepp, uex, UEX, uey, UEY, UEZ, UG, ugLocal, uh, uhDim0, uhDim1, uhDim2, uhDimFA, uhl, uhp, uhpp, UHX, UHY, UHZ, uLocal, ume, umel, umep, UMEX, UMEY, UMEZ, umh, umhl, umhp, UMHX, UMHY, UMHZ, une, unel, unep, unh, unhl, unhp, useChargeDensity, userDefinedInitialConditions(), userDefinedInitialConditionsOption, useTwilightZoneMaterials, vc, wc, x, X, X0, x0GaussianPlaneWave, X1, X2, xab, xce, xcel, xch, xchl, xd, xe, xeDim0, xeDim1, xeDim2, xep, XEP, xh, xhDim0, xhDim1, xhDim2, xhp, XHP, y, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yd, ye, yee, yh, z, zd, ze, zeroInitialCondition, and zh.
Referenced by solve().
void Maxwell::assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References assert(), cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, checkArrays(), debug, dir, display(), dx1, e, E, epsGrid, ex, ey, ez, forcingOption, getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), gridHasMaterialInterfaces, gridType, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, initializeInterfaces(), interface3dMaxwell, interfaceEquationsOption, interfaceInfo, interfaceMaxwell, isRectangular, J1, J2, J3, materialInterfaceOption, muGrid, myid, newInterfaceMaxwell, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omegaForInterfaceIteration, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, OV_ABORT(), pDebugFile, printF(), solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, timeForInterfaceBC, timing, twilightZoneForcing, tz, ue, useNewInterfaceRoutines, and x2.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), and advanceSOSUP().
protected |
References assert(), betaGaussianPlaneWave, boundingBoxDecayExponent, degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, forcingOption, frequency, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianPulseParameters, gaussianSourceParameters, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, numberLinesForPML, omega, pmlLayerStrength, pmlPower, pwc, slowStartInterval, twilightZoneOption, useTwilightZoneMaterials, x0GaussianPlaneWave, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, y0GaussianPlaneWave, and z0GaussianPlaneWave.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
protected |
References assert(), elementType, errorNorm, frequencyToSaveProbes, gridType, np, and probeFileName.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
protected |
References artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), frequencyToProjectFields, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, and projectFields.
Referenced by plot().
protected |
References assert(), eps, and mu.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
protected |
References assert(), checkErrors, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeEnergy, intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, nameOfReferenceShowFile, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotDSIMaxVertVals, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotRho, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, pmlErrorOffset, and radiusForCheckingErrors.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), and plot().
int Maxwell::buildRunTimeDialog | ( | ) |
protected |
References applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, artificialDissipationInterval, assert(), cfl, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, filterCoefficient, filterFrequency, frequencyToProjectFields, interfaceEquationsOption, materialInterfaceOption, maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation, method, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths, nx, omegaForInterfaceIteration, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, projectFields, projectInitialConditions, projectInterpolation, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, timeSteppingMethod, useChargeDensity, useConservative, useConservativeDivergence, useDivergenceCleaning, useNewInterfaceRoutines, and useVariableDissipation.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
int Maxwell::buildVariableDissipation | ( | ) |
References assert(), cg, cgop, cgp, getIndex(), grid, I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, mask, maskLocal, mg, numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths, ok, omega, printF(), v, and variableDissipation.
Referenced by setupGridFunctions().
void Maxwell::checkArrays | ( | const aString & | label | ) |
References printF(), and totalNumberOfArrays.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), and updateProjectionEquation().
void Maxwell::computeDissipation | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References all, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), c, cgdissipation, cgfields, cgop, cgp, cGrid, d, dirichlet, ex, ey, ez, FD4_2D, FD4_3D, fields, getIndex(), grid, hz, I1, I2, I3, isRectangular, mask, mg, mgp, numberOfTimeLevels, operators, orderOfArtificialDissipation, OV_ABORT(), timeForDissipation, timing, and u.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD().
int Maxwell::computeIntensity | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
int | stepNumber, | ||
real | nextTimeToPlot | ||
) |
Compute the time averaged intensity OR compute the real and imaginary components.
Compute the time averaged intensity to be output at t=nextTimeToPlot See the notes in mx3d.pdf for details on the formulae for computing the
References a2, all, assert(), assign(), axis, c, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, debug, E, eps, epsGrid, ex, ey, ez, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, m, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, n, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, omegaTimeHarmonic, op, OV_ABORT(), period, pHarmonicElectricField, pIntensity, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, printF(), ta, timeForIntensity, timing, tPlot, u, uLocal, and v.
Referenced by outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep().
void Maxwell::computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep | ( | const real & | t, |
const real & | tFinal, | ||
const real & | nextTimeToPlot, | ||
int & | numberOfSubSteps, | ||
real & | dtNew, | ||
const bool & | adjustTimeStep = true |
) |
int Maxwell::computeTimeStep | ( | ) |
Determine the time step.
References a, a11, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), c, cfl, cg, cgp, cGrid, debug, deltaT, dr1, dsi, dx, dxMinMax, e, edgeAreaNormals, epsv, f, FOR_3D, getCenters(), getIndex(), getMaxValue(), getMinValue(), grid, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, lambda, mask, MASK, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, method, mg, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, muv, myid, nfdtd, numberOfMaterialRegions, ok, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, OV_ABORT(), pDebugFile, printF(), RX, rx, rxDotRx, sosup, timeForComputingDeltaT, timeSteppingMethod, timing, and yee.
Referenced by setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::defineRegionsAndBodies | ( | ) |
Assign the mask that denotes the locations of bodies for the Yee scheme.
Define material regions and bodies that are defined by a mask
References assert(), cg, cgp, dx, eps, epsv, FOR_3D, getIndex(), gip, grid, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, isRectangular, mask, maskBodies, maskLocal, media, mg, mu, muv, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, numberOfMaterialRegions, ok, OV_ABORT(), pBodyMask, printF(), rad, sigmaEv, sigmaHv, timeForInitialize, timing, X0, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, X1, X2, and xab.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
void Maxwell::displayBoundaryConditions | ( | FILE * | file = stdout | ) |
References assert(), axis, bcName, cg, cgp, grid, numberOfBCNames, and side.
Referenced by outputHeader().
realCompositeGridFunction & Maxwell::getAugmentedSolution | ( | int | current, |
realCompositeGridFunction & | v, | ||
const real | t | ||
) |
Create a grid function that holds all the things we can plot.
t | (input) : if t<0 then only fill the component names into the grid function v. |
References all, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), c, cc, cg, cgdissipation, cgerrp, cgp, cGrid, deltaT, dissipation, divEMax, dsiMatVec, e_cgdissipation, EField, eps, epsGrid, errp, ex, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, extTrue3d, ey, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, eytTrue3d, ez, ezt, ezTrue3d, eztTrue3d, fields, getCGField(), getChargeDensity(), getIndex(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), grid, HField, hx, hy, hz, hzt, hzTrue, hztTrue, i, I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, kx, ky, kz, method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, N(), n, nfdtd, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, pHarmonicElectricField, pIntensity, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotRho, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, u, uLocal, useVariableDissipation, v, variableDissipation, x, y, yee, and z.
Referenced by buildRunTimeDialog(), plot(), and saveShow().
bool Maxwell::getBoundsForPML | ( | MappedGrid & | mg, |
Index | Iv[3], | ||
int | extra = 0 |
) |
References abcPML, axis, and numberLinesForPML.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), getErrors(), and getMaxDivergence().
int Maxwell::getCenters | ( | MappedGrid & | mg, |
UnstructuredMapping::EntityTypeEnum | cent, | ||
realArray & | xe | ||
) |
References a, assert(), e, v, and xe.
Referenced by applyDSIBC(), assignInitialConditions(), computeTimeStep(), getErrors(), getForcing(), and setupDSICoefficients().
realCompositeGridFunction & Maxwell::getCGField | ( | Maxwell::FieldEnum | f, |
int | tn | ||
) |
References cgfields, dsi, dsi_cgfieldsE0, dsi_cgfieldsE1, dsi_cgfieldsH, dsiMatVec, E010, E100, EField, H100, HField, and method.
Referenced by advanceDSI(), assignInitialConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), and setupDSICoefficients().
void Maxwell::getChargeDensity | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
realCompositeGridFunction & | u, | ||
int | component = 0 |
) |
References all, assert(), cg, cgp, grid, I1, I2, and I3.
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), and getMaxDivergence().
void Maxwell::getChargeDensity | ( | real | t, |
realMappedGridFunction & | u, | ||
int | component = 0 |
) |
References amplitude, assert(), dx, e, FOR_3D, forcingOption, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, getIndex(), i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, isRectangular, mask, MASK, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, mg, ok, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, printF(), rad, rc, rho, twilightZoneForcing, tz, u, U, uLocal, X, x2, xab, and xp1.
void Maxwell::getEnergy | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References a, assert(), c, cg, cgp, cGrid, computeEnergy, debug, display(), dsiMatVec, e, EField, eps, epsGrid, ex, f, fields, getCGField(), getIndex(), grid, HField, I1, I2, I3, initialTotalEnergy, J1, J2, J3, logFile, mask, method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, myid, nfdtd, numberOfTimeLevels, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, pDebugFile, printF(), reconstructDSIField(), tE, tH, totalEnergy, u, ue, uep, uh, uhp, ume, and umh.
Referenced by outputResults().
void Maxwell::getErrors | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
Determine the errors.
References a, a2, adjustBoundsForPML(), all, annulusEigenfunctionKnownSolution, assert(), axis, besselPrimeZeros, besselZeros, bj, bjp, bjThetax, bjThetay, buildCenter, c, cc, center, cg, cgerrp, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, checkErrors, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeDSIErrors(), coskz, cosn, cost, cosTheta, cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, cylinderLength, debug, defaultInitialCondition, display(), dsiMatVec, dtb2, dx, e, EField, emptyArray, emptySerialArray, eps, epsGrid, ERR, erre, errel, errep, ERREX, ERREY, ERREZ, errh, errhl, errhp, ERRHX, ERRHY, ERRHZ, errorNorm, errp, ex, exmax, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, extTrue3d, ey, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, eytTrue3d, ez, ezt, ezTrue3d, eztTrue3d, fields, FOR_3, FOR_3D, forcingOption, fx, fy, fz, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianIntegralKnownSolution, gaussianPlaneWaveKnownSolution, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, getBoundsForPML(), getCenters(), getCGField(), getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), getMaxValue(), getValuesFDTD(), gr, grid, HField, hx, hxt, hxTrue3d, hy, hyt, hyTrue3d, hz, hzGaussianPulse, hzt, hzTrue, hzTrue3d, hztTrue, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ie1, Ie2, Ie3, Iev, Ig1, Ig2, Ig3, Ih1, Ih2, Ih3, Ihv, includeGhost, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializeKnownSolution(), isRectangular, isStructured, J1, J2, J3, k, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, lambda, logFile, lpNorm(), m, mask, MASK, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, maximumError, maxNorm(), md1, md2, mdbpz, mdbz, method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, n, nameOfReferenceShowFile, ndbpz, ndbz, nfdtd, noKnownSolution, np1Factorial, numberOfSequences, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, OV_ABORT(), pDebugFile, period, planeMaterialInterfaceKnownSolution, planeWaveKnownSolution, pmc, pmlErrorOffset, printF(), r, radiusForCheckingErrors, reconstructDSIField(), referenceShowFileReader, rx, ry, scatteringFromADielectricDiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricSphereKnownSolution, scatteringFromADiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromASphereKnownSolution, side, sinkz, sinn, sint, sinTheta, solutionNorm, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, squareEigenfunctionKnownSolution, tE, tH, the, theta, thetax, thetay, timeForGetError, timing, tm, tPlot, twilightZoneKnownSolution, tz, U, ue, ueDim0, ueDim1, ueDim2, ueDimFA, uel, uep, uepp, uex, UEX, uey, UEY, UEZ, UG, ugLocal, uh, uhDim0, uhDim1, uhDim2, uhDimFA, uhl, uhp, uhpp, UHX, UHY, UHZ, uLocal, ume, umel, umep, umh, umhl, umhp, une, unel, unep, unh, unhl, unhp, ur, x, X, X0, x0GaussianPlaneWave, X1, X2, xab, xce, xcel, xch, xchl, xd, xe, xeDim0, xeDim1, xeDim2, xep, XEP, xh, xhDim0, xhDim1, xhDim2, xhp, XHP, y, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yd, ye, yee, yh, z, zd, ze, and zh.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), plot(), and solve().
void Maxwell::getField | ( | real | x, |
real | y, | ||
real | t, | ||
real * | eField | ||
) |
int Maxwell::getForcing | ( | int | current, |
int | grid, | ||
realArray & | u, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
int | option = 0 |
) |
References a, all, amplitude, assert(), assign(), buildCenter, c, CC, center, cg, cgerrp, cgp, debug, debugFile, defaultInitialCondition, display(), dsi, dsiMatVec, dtb2, dx, e, EField, emptyArray, emptySerialArray, ep, eps, erre, errel, errep, errh, errhl, errhp, errp, ex, ey, ez, f, fields, FOR_3, FOR_3D, forcingOption, forcingOptMaxwell, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, gaussianSource, gaussianSourceParameters, getCenters(), getCGField(), getIndex(), grid, gridType, HField, hx, hy, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ie1, Ie2, Ie3, Iev, Ih1, Ih2, Ih3, Ihv, includeGhost, initialConditionOption, isRectangular, isStructured, J1, J2, J3, kx, ky, kz, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, method, mg, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, nfdtd, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, printF(), rx, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, tE, tH, the, timeSteppingMethod, twilightZoneForcing, tz, u, U, ue, ueDim0, ueDim1, ueDim2, ueDimFA, uel, uep, uepp, uh, uhDim0, uhDim1, uhDim2, uhDimFA, uhl, uhp, uhpp, uLocal, ume, umel, umep, umh, umhl, umhp, une, unel, unep, unh, unhl, unhp, userDefinedForcing(), userDefinedForcingOption, x, X, X0, X1, X2, xab, xce, xcel, xch, xchl, xd, xe, xeDim0, xeDim1, xeDim2, xep, XEP, xh, xhDim0, xhDim1, xhDim2, xhp, XHP, xp1, yd, ye, yh, zd, ze, and zh.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), applyDSIForcing(), and assignInitialConditions().
void Maxwell::getMaxDivergence | ( | const int | current, |
real | t, | ||
realCompositeGridFunction * | pu = NULL , |
int | component = 0 , |
realCompositeGridFunction * | pDensity = NULL , |
int | rhoComponent = 0 , |
bool | computeMaxNorms = true |
) |
References all, assert(), c, cg, cgfields, cgp, debug, display(), DIV, divEMax, divHMax, E, ex, ey, ez, fields, FOR_3, FOR_3D, getBoundsForPML(), getCGField(), getChargeDensity(), getIndex(), getMaxValue(), gradEMax, gradHMax, grid, HField, hx, hy, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, mask, MASK, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, method, mg, mgp, myid, ok, op, pDebugFile, pRho, printF(), RHO, solutionNorm, solveForMagneticField, sosup, u, U, UD, uLocal, useChargeDensity, useConservative, and useConservativeDivergence.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), getAugmentedSolution(), plot(), and project().
static |
Referenced by computeTimeStep(), getErrors(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), plot(), and printStatistics().
static |
static |
Referenced by computeTimeStep().
static |
int Maxwell::getValuesFDTD | ( | int | option, |
int * | iparam, | ||
int | current, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
realCompositeGridFunction * | pv = NULL |
) |
compute various quantities for the FDTD "Yee" scheme
option | (input) : option=0 : compute initial conditions, option=1 : compute errors option=2 : compute div(E) , div(H) option=3 : compute node centered fields for plotting |
ipar | (input) : iparam[0] = nDivE : save div(E) in this component of v iparam[1] = nDivH : save div(H) in this component of v |
References assert(), axis, c, cgfields, cgp, debug, divEMax, divHMax, dx, ex, ey, ez, fields, forcingOption, getIndex(), getMaxValue(), gradEMax, gradHMax, grid, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, initialConditionOption, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, mask, maskBodies, maskLocal, maximumError, mgp, mxYeeIcErr, myid, n, numberOfPlaneMaterialInterfaceCoefficients, pBodyMask, pmc, printF(), pwc, slowStartInterval, solutionNorm, tz, u, ugLocal, uLocal, v, and xab.
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), and getErrors().
void Maxwell::initializeInterfaces | ( | ) |
References assert(), cg, cgp, debug, I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, interfaceBoundaryCondition, interfaceInfo, J1, J2, J3, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, printF(), timeForInterfaceBC, and timing.
Referenced by assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions().
void Maxwell::initializeKnownSolution | ( | ) |
References a, all, assert(), c, cc, cg, cgp, cGrid, cr, debug, epsv, ex, exTrue3d, ey, eyTrue3d, ez, ezTrue3d, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, gridHasMaterialInterfaces, hx, hy, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, initialConditionOption, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, method, numberOfMaterialRegions, ok, OV_ABORT(), planeWaveInitialCondition, printF(), scatCyl, scatSphere, scatteringFromADielectricDiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricSphereKnownSolution, scatteringFromADiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromASphereKnownSolution, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, y, yee, and z.
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), and getErrors().
int Maxwell::initializePlaneMaterialInterface | ( | ) |
Initialize the constants that define the plane material interface solution.
References assert(), axis, c1, c2, cg, cgp, cr, epsGrid, epsv, initialConditionOption, kappa, kx, ky, kz, method, muGrid, muv, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, OV_ABORT(), planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, pmc, printF(), pwc, r, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, and yee.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
int Maxwell::initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions | ( | ) |
References assert(), axis, c, cg, cgp, ex, ez, grid, hz, i, RadiationBoundaryCondition::initialize(), mg, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, printF(), radbcAxis, radbcGrid, radbcSide, radiationBoundaryCondition, rbcNonLocal, RadiationBoundaryCondition::setOrderOfAccuracy(), and side.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
int Maxwell::interactiveUpdate | ( | GL_GraphicsInterface & | gi | ) |
References a, adamsBashforthSymmetricThirdOrder, adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField, annulus, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, annulusEigenfunctionKnownSolution, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, artificialDissipationInterval, assert(), axis, betaGaussianPlaneWave, boundingBoxDecayExponent, buildForcingOptionsDialog(), buildInputOutputOptionsDialog(), buildPdeParametersDialog(), buildPlotOptionsDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), c, cc, cfl, cg, cgp, cGrid, checkErrors, chevbox, chevron, compareToReferenceShowFile, compositeGrid, computeEnergy, debug, defaultInitialCondition, defaultMethod, defaultTimeStepping, defineRegionsAndBodies(), degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, dsi, dsiMatVec, dsiNew, eigenfunctionsOfASphereKnownSolution, elementType, eps, epsGrid, errorNorm, filterCoefficient, filterFrequency, forcingOption, frequency, frequencyToProjectFields, frequencyToSaveProbes, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianIntegralKnownSolution, gaussianPlaneWave, gaussianPlaneWaveKnownSolution, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, gaussianPulseParameters, gaussianSource, gaussianSourceParameters, gip, grid, gridHasMaterialInterfaces, gridType, i, i1, i2, i3, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, interfaceBoundaryCondition, interfaceEquationsOption, j, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, materialInterfaceOption, maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation, maxNumberOfGaussianChargeSources, maxNumberOfGaussianPulses, method, mg, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muGrid, nameOfGridFile, nameOfReferenceShowFile, nfdtd, noForcing, noKnownSolution, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, np, numberLinesForPML, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfGaussianChargeSources, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths, nx, ok, omega, omegaForInterfaceIteration, omegaTimeHarmonic, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, OV_ABORT(), planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, planeMaterialInterfaceKnownSolution, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, planeWaveKnownSolution, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotRho, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, pmlErrorOffset, pmlLayerStrength, pmlPower, poisson, polynomialTwilightZone, printF(), probeFileName, probeGridLocation, probes, projectFields, projectInitialConditions, projectInterpolation, pulseTwilightZone, pwc, quadrilaterals, r, radiusForCheckingErrors, rotatedSquare, rungeKuttaFourthOrder, scatteringFromADielectricDiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricSphereKnownSolution, scatteringFromADiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromASphereKnownSolution, setBoundaryCondition(), setupGridFunctions(), setupUserDefinedForcing(), setupUserDefinedInitialConditions(), show, side, sineByTriangles, sineSquare, skewedSquare, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, square, squareByQuads, squareByTriangles, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, squareEigenfunctionKnownSolution, stoermerTimeStepping, structuredElements, tFinal, timeSteppingMethod, tPlot, triangles, trigonometricTwilightZone, twilightZoneForcing, twilightZoneKnownSolution, twilightZoneOption, updateShowFile(), useChargeDensity, useConservative, useConservativeDivergence, useDivergenceCleaning, useNewInterfaceRoutines, userDefinedForcingOption, userDefinedInitialConditionsOption, useTwilightZoneMaterials, useVariableDissipation, x, x0GaussianPlaneWave, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yee, z0GaussianPlaneWave, and zeroInitialCondition.
Referenced by main().
void Maxwell::outputHeader | ( | ) |
Output the header banner with parameters and grid info.
References adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), c, cfl, cg, cgp, degreeSpace, degreeTime, deltaT, displayBoundaryConditions(), divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, dxMinMax, eps, epsGrid, epsv, filterCoefficient, filterFrequency, forcingOption, frequencyToProjectFields, grid, initialConditionOption, interfaceEquationsOption, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, logFile, materialInterfaceOption, method, methodName, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muGrid, muv, nameOfGridFile, nfdtd, numberLinesForPML, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfForcingNames, numberOfFunctions, numberOfGridPoints, numberOfInitialConditionNames, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfMaterialRegions, numberOfTimeLevels, omegaForInterfaceIteration, omegaTimeHarmonic, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, pmlLayerStrength, pmlPower, poisson, polynomialTwilightZone, projectFields, projectInterpolation, pwc, r, sigmaEv, sigmaHv, tFinal, timeSteppingMethod, tPlot, twilightZoneForcing, twilightZoneOption, useDivergenceCleaning, and useVariableDissipation.
Referenced by solve().
int Maxwell::outputResults | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References c, cgfields, checkFile, computeEnergy, divEMax, ex, ey, ez, getEnergy(), gradEMax, hz, initialTotalEnergy, logFile, maximumError, method, myid, nfdtd, saveSequenceInfo(), solutionNorm, sosup, totalEnergy, uc, and yee.
int Maxwell::outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt, | ||
int | stepNumber, | ||
real | nextTimeToPlot | ||
) |
References assert(), cg, cgp, computeIntensity(), ex, ey, ez, fields, frequencyToSaveProbes, getCGField(), grid, HField, hz, i, i1, i2, i3, mgp, myid, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, printF(), probeFile, probeFileName, probeGridLocation, probes, reconstructDSIAtEntities(), u, uex, and uey.
Referenced by solve().
int Maxwell::plot | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), buildParametersDialog(), buildPlotOptionsDialog(), buildRunTimeDialog(), cfl, cg, cgp, checkErrors, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeEnergy, debug, defaultMethod, defaultTimeStepping, divEMax, divergenceDamping, divHMax, ex, ex10, ey, ey10, frequencyToProjectFields, getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getMaxDivergence(), getMaxValue(), gip, gradEMax, gradHMax, method, methodName, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, movieFileName, movieFrame, n, nfdtd, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfStepsTaken, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, outputResults(), plotChoices, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotDSIMaxVertVals, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotOptions, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, pmlErrorOffset, polynomialTwilightZone, pParametersDialog, pPlotOptionsDialog, printF(), projectFields, psp, radiusForCheckingErrors, rungeKuttaFourthOrder, runTimeDialog, setSensitivity(), solveForMagneticField, sosup, stoermerTimeStepping, tFinal, timeForPlotting, timeForWaiting, timeSteppingMethod, timing, tPlot, twilightZoneOption, u, uc, v, vc, and yee.
Referenced by solve().
int Maxwell::printMemoryUsage | ( | FILE * | file = stdout | ) |
/brief: print the memory usage that cgmx thinks that it is using
References assert(), cg, cgdissipation, cgerrp, cgfields, cgop, cgp, Dcoeff, debug, Dindex, Doffset, dsi, dsi_cgfieldsE0, dsi_cgfieldsH, dsiMatVec, dsiNew, e_cgdissipation, Ecoeff, edgeAreaNormals, Eindex, Eoffset, faceAreaNormals, fields, FN, grid, Hcoeff, Hindex, Hoffset, i, method, nfdtd, numberOfFunctions, numberOfGridPoints, numberOfTimeLevels, op, OV_ABORT(), pF, pPhi, pRho, printF(), REcoeff, REindex, RHcoeff, RHindex, SEindex, SHindex, sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance, sosup, and yee.
Referenced by printStatistics().
int Maxwell::printStatistics | ( | FILE * | file = stdout | ) |
References assert(), cg, cgp, RadiationBoundaryCondition::cpuTime, RadiationKernel::cpuTime, Eoffset, getMaxValue(), grid, Hoffset, i, j, logFile, m, maximumNumberOfTimings, method, nameOfGridFile, nfdtd, np, numberOfGridPoints, numberOfStepsTaken, pinterpolant, poisson, printF(), printMemoryUsage(), s, sosup, timeForPlotting, timeForRadiationBC, timeForRaditionKernel, timeForWaiting, timing, timingName, totalTime, and yee.
Referenced by solve().
int Maxwell::project | ( | int | numberOfStepsTaken, |
int | current, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References assert(), assign(), axis, boundaryCondition(), cg, cgfields, cgp, checkGridFunction(), debug, divEMax, ex, ey, ez, f, ForBoundary, getIndex(), getMaxDivergence(), gradEMax, grid, I1, I2, I3, initializeProjection, isRectangular, mask, maskLocal, mg, myid, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfStepsTaken, op, pF, poisson, pPhi, printF(), side, smoothDivergence(), timeForInterpolate, timeForProject, timing, u, uLocal, updateProjectionEquation(), and useConservative.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), and assignInitialConditions().
int Maxwell::projectInterpolationPoints | ( | int | numberOfStepsTaken, |
int | current, | ||
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References cg, cgfields, debug, dx, ex, ey, ez, grid, gridType, hx, hy, hz, isRectangular, mask, maskLocal, mg, mxProjectInterp, myid, omega, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, printF(), u, and uLocal.
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), and advanceSOSUP().
bool Maxwell::reconstructDSIAtEntities | ( | real | t, |
FieldEnum | field, | ||
IntegerArray & | entities, | ||
realMappedGridFunction & | from, | ||
RealArray & | to | ||
) |
References a, assert(), e, edgeAreaNormals, EField, faceAreaNormals, HField, i1, i2, i3, mg, ns, REcoeff, REindex, RHcoeff, RHindex, and useGhostInReconstruction.
Referenced by applyDSIBC(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), and reconstructDSIField().
void Maxwell::reconstructDSIField | ( | real | t, |
Maxwell::FieldEnum | field, | ||
realMappedGridFunction & | from, | ||
realMappedGridFunction & | to | ||
) |
References a, assert(), e, edgeAreaNormals, EField, faceAreaNormals, HField, i1, i2, i3, mg, ns, REcoeff, reconstructDSIAtEntities(), REindex, RHcoeff, RHindex, and useGhostInReconstruction.
Referenced by getEnergy(), and getErrors().
int Maxwell::saveParametersToShowFile | ( | ) |
protected |
References all, n, numberOfSequences, R, sequence, sequenceCount, show, and timeSequence.
Referenced by outputResults().
protected |
References assert(), cg, cgerrp, cgp, computeEnergy, ex, ey, ez, hz, i, method, N(), n, nfdtd, numberOfSequences, sequence, sequenceCount, show, timeSequence, and yee.
Referenced by ~Maxwell().
void Maxwell::saveShow | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
References assert(), cg, cgp, debug, fields, getAugmentedSolution(), i, methodName, mgp, myid, printF(), saveGridInShowFile, show, showFileFrameForGrid, timeForShowFile, timing, u, and v.
Referenced by solve().
int Maxwell::setBoundaryCondition | ( | aString & | answer, |
GL_GraphicsInterface & | gi, | ||
IntegerArray & | originalBoundaryCondition | ||
) |
References A, assert(), axis, bcName, bcOption, boundaryCondition(), cg, cgp, grid, i, numberOfBCNames, periodic, printF(), S, side, and useAllPeriodicBoundaryConditions.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
void Maxwell::setupDSICoefficients | ( | ) |
References a, a0, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationInterval, assert(), c, c1, c2, cc, CCcoeff, CCindex, CCoffset, cf, cg, cgp, d, Dcoeff, Dindex, dispCoeff, Doffset, e, E_dispCoeff, Ecoeff, edgeAreaNormals, EField, Eindex, Eoffset, ep, eps, f, F90_ID(), faceAreaNormals, fields, getCenters(), getCGField(), grid, Hcoeff, HField, Hindex, Hoffset, i, i1, i2, i3, lines, mg, mgp, mu, n, ns, orderOfArtificialDissipation, perfectElectricalConductor, r, useGhostInReconstruction, and useVariableDissipation.
Referenced by setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::setupGridFunctions | ( | ) |
Setup and initialization. Build the solution fields.
References all, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), axis, bcOption, buildVariableDissipation(), c, cg, cgdissipation, cgfields, cgop, cgp, compositeGrid, computeEnergy, computeTimeStep(), cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, defaultMethod, dirichlet, dissipation, dsi, dsi_cgfieldsE0, dsi_cgfieldsE1, dsi_cgfieldsH, dsiMatVec, dsiNew, dx, dxMinMax, e_cgdissipation, epsc, ex, ex01, ex10, ext, ey, ey01, ey10, eyt, ez, ezt, fields, grid, gridType, hx, hxt, hy, hyt, hz, hz11, hzt, initialConditionOption, isRectangular, method, methodName, mg, muc, n, nfdtd, numberOfComponentsCurvilinearGrid, numberOfComponentsRectangularGrid, numberOfFields, numberOfSequences, numberOfTimeLevels, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, OV_ABORT(), perfectElectricalConductor, pRho, printF(), rc, rx, setupDSICoefficients(), side, sigmaEc, sigmaHc, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, timeForDSIMatrix, timeForInitialize, timing, useAllDirichletBoundaryConditions, useAllPerfectElectricalConductorBoundaryConditions, useChargeDensity, useConservative, useVariableDissipation, usingPMLBoundaryConditions(), xab, and yee.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
int Maxwell::setupGrids | ( | ) |
Setup and initialization. Build the grid and solution fields.
References adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField, amplitude, annulus, assert(), axis, bcOption, box, c, cg, cgp, cGrid, chevbox, chevron, chevronAmplitude, chevronFrequency, compositeGrid, defaultMethod, defaultUnstructured, dirichlet, dsi, dw, dx, e, elementType, eps, epsGrid, grid, gridType, h, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, kz, mapPointer, mat(), method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, nx, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, OV_ABORT(), perfectElectricalConductor, perturbedBox, perturbedSquare, pinterpolant, printF(), quadrilaterals, R, r, rotatedSquare, side, sigmaEGrid, sigmaHGrid, sineByTriangles, sineSquare, skewedSquare, solveForMagneticField, square, squareByQuads, squareByTriangles, structuredElements, timeForInitialize, timing, triangles, useAllDirichletBoundaryConditions, useAllPerfectElectricalConductorBoundaryConditions, useAllPeriodicBoundaryConditions, useConservative, verifyUnstructuredConnectivity(), x, xab, xShift, and yee.
Referenced by main().
int Maxwell::setupUserDefinedForcing | ( | ) |
This function is used to choose a user defined forcing and input parameters etc.
This function is used to setup and define the forcing to use. The function userDefinedForcing (above) is called to actually assign the forcing. Rewrite or add new options to this routine to supply your own forcing. Choose the "user defined forcing" option to have this routine called.
References a, assert(), cg, cgp, dbase, gip, m, omega, and printF().
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
int Maxwell::setupUserDefinedInitialConditions | ( | ) |
choose a user defined initial condition.
This function is used to setup and define the initial conditions. The function userDefinedInitialConditions (above) is called to actually evaluate the initial conditions. Rewrite or add new options to this routine to supply your own initial conditions. Choose the "user defined" option from the initial conditions options to have this routine
References a, assert(), cg, cgp, dbase, gip, m, numberOfGaussianPulses, omega, and printF().
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
void Maxwell::smoothDivergence | ( | realCompositeGridFunction & | u, |
const int | numberOfSmooths | ||
) |
int Maxwell::solve | ( | GL_GraphicsInterface & | gi | ) |
Solve the equations.
References advanceDSI(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNew(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), all, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, assert(), assignInitialConditions(), bcOption, cg, cgerrp, cgfields, cgp, checkErrors, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep(), debug, deltaT, dsi, dsiMatVec, dsiNew, dtb2, errp, ex, ext, ey, eyt, ez, ezt, fields, forcingOption, frequencyToSaveInShowFile, gaussianPlaneWave, getErrors(), hx, hxt, hy, hyt, hz, hzt, initialConditionOption, method, mg, mgp, myid, nfdtd, numberOfStepsTaken, numberOfTimeLevels, outputHeader(), outputResults(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), pDebugFile, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, plot(), plotOptions, printF(), printStatistics(), saveShow(), solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, tFinal, timeForAdvance, timing, totalTime, tPlot, twilightZoneForcing, useAllDirichletBoundaryConditions, useAllPeriodicBoundaryConditions, and yee.
Referenced by main().
int Maxwell::updateProjectionEquation | ( | ) |
References assert(), axis, c, cg, cgop, cgp, checkArrays(), coeff, debug, dirichlet, display(), ForBoundary, grid, perfectElectricalConductor, poisson, printF(), side, and useConservative.
Referenced by project().
int Maxwell::updateShowFile | ( | const aString & | command = nullString , |
DialogData * | interface = NULL |
) |
References addPrefix(), assert(), frequencyToSaveInShowFile, gip, if(), printF(), saveDivergenceInShowFile, saveErrorsInShowFile, saveParametersToShowFile(), show, and useStreamMode.
Referenced by interactiveUpdate().
int Maxwell::userDefinedForcing | ( | realArray & | f, |
int | iparam[], | ||
real | rparam[] | ||
) |
Evaluate the user defined forcing.
This function is called to actually evaluate the user defined forcing The function setupUserDefinedForcing is first called to assign the option and parameters. Rewrite or add new options to this function and to setupUserDefinedForcing to supply your own forcing option.
f | (input/output) : add to this forcing function |
iparam[] | (input) : holds some integer parameters |
rparam[] | (input) : holds some real parameters |
References a, assert(), cg, cgfields, cgp, cost, dbase, ex, ey, ez, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, m, method, mg, nfdtd, ok, omega, OV_ABORT(), printF(), sint, u, uLocal, x, y, and z.
Referenced by getForcing().
void Maxwell::userDefinedForcingCleanup | ( | ) |
This routine is called when cgmx is finished and can be used to clean up memory.
References dbase, and printF().
Referenced by ~Maxwell().
int Maxwell::userDefinedInitialConditions | ( | int | current, |
real | t, | ||
real | dt | ||
) |
: Evaluate the user defined initial conditions.
This function is called to actually assign user defined initial conditions. The function setupUserDefinedInitialConditions is first called to assign the option and parameters. Rewrite or add new options to this function and to setupUserDefinedInitialConditions to supply your own initial conditions.
: When using adaptive mesh refinement, this function may be called multiple times as the AMR hierarchy is built up.
References a, assert(), cg, cgfields, cgp, cost, dbase, ex, ey, ez, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, m, method, mg, nfdtd, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, OV_ABORT(), printF(), u, uLocal, x, y, and z.
Referenced by assignInitialConditions().
void Maxwell::userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup | ( | ) |
This routine is called when Cgsm is finished with the initial conditions and can be used to clean up memory.
References dbase, and printF().
Referenced by ~Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::usingPMLBoundaryConditions | ( | ) | const |
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::A |
Referenced by setBoundaryCondition().
IntegerArray Maxwell::adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), interactiveUpdate(), outputHeader(), and setupGrids().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Aindex |
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Aoffset |
bool Maxwell::applyFilter |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceNFDTD(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
real Maxwell::artificialDissipation |
Referenced by addDissipation(), advanceC(), advanceNew(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), buildParametersDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), computeDissipation(), computeTimeStep(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), plot(), setupDSICoefficients(), and setupGridFunctions().
real Maxwell::artificialDissipationCurvilinear |
int Maxwell::artificialDissipationInterval |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and setupDSICoefficients().
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::As |
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Asindex |
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Asoffset |
static |
Referenced by displayBoundaryConditions(), and setBoundaryCondition().
BoundaryConditionOptionEnum Maxwell::bcOption |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), main(), Maxwell(), setBoundaryCondition(), setupGridFunctions(), setupGrids(), and solve().
real Maxwell::betaGaussianPlaneWave |
Referenced by buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::boundingBoxDecayExponent |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::c |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), computeTimeStep(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getField(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), outputResults(), setupDSICoefficients(), setupGridFunctions(), setupGrids(), and updateProjectionEquation().
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::CCcoeff |
Referenced by setupDSICoefficients().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::CCindex |
Referenced by setupDSICoefficients().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::CCoffset |
Referenced by setupDSICoefficients().
real Maxwell::cfl |
Referenced by buildRunTimeDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), computeTimeStep(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgdissipation |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceDSI(), computeDissipation(), getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell(), printMemoryUsage(), setupGridFunctions(), and ~Maxwell().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgerrp |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), Maxwell(), printMemoryUsage(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), solve(), and ~Maxwell().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgfields |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getCGField(), getErrors(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), printMemoryUsage(), project(), projectInterpolationPoints(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), userDefinedForcing(), userDefinedInitialConditions(), and ~Maxwell().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgfn |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
CompositeGridOperators* Maxwell::cgop |
CompositeGrid* Maxwell::cgp |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceDSI(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildVariableDissipation(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), computeTimeStep(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), displayBoundaryConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), getChargeDensity(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeInterfaces(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), plot(), printMemoryUsage(), printStatistics(), project(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), saveShow(), setBoundaryCondition(), setupDSICoefficients(), setupGridFunctions(), setupGrids(), setupUserDefinedForcing(), setupUserDefinedInitialConditions(), solve(), updateProjectionEquation(), userDefinedForcing(), userDefinedInitialConditions(), usingPMLBoundaryConditions(), and ~Maxwell().
RealArray Maxwell::cGrid |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), computeTimeStep(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), initializeKnownSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), and setupGrids().
bool Maxwell::checkErrors |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), plot(), and solve().
FILE* Maxwell::checkFile |
Referenced by Maxwell(), outputResults(), and ~Maxwell().
real Maxwell::chevronAmplitude |
Referenced by main(), Maxwell(), and setupGrids().
real Maxwell::chevronFrequency |
Referenced by main(), Maxwell(), and setupGrids().
bool Maxwell::compareToReferenceShowFile |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), plot(), and solve().
bool Maxwell::computeEnergy |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getEnergy(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), plot(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::currentFn |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignInitialConditions(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::cylinderAxisEnd |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), getErrors(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
real Maxwell::cylinderAxisStart |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), getErrors(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
real Maxwell::cylinderRadius |
Referenced by Maxwell().
mutable |
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::Dcoeff |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
int Maxwell::debug |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNew(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildRunTimeDialog(), computeIntensity(), computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep(), computeTimeStep(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeInterfaces(), initializeKnownSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), plot(), printMemoryUsage(), project(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveShow(), smoothDivergence(), solve(), and updateProjectionEquation().
FILE* Maxwell::debugFile |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), getForcing(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
int Maxwell::degreeSpace |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
int Maxwell::degreeSpaceX |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::degreeSpaceY |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::degreeSpaceZ |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::degreeTime |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
real Maxwell::deltaT |
Referenced by computeTimeStep(), getAugmentedSolution(), outputHeader(), and solve().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Dindex |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::dispCoeff |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), and setupDSICoefficients().
realMappedGridFunction* Maxwell::dissipation |
real Maxwell::divEMax |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), computeDSIErrors(), getAugmentedSolution(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), plot(), and project().
real Maxwell::divergenceCleaningCoefficient |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
real Maxwell::divergenceDamping |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
real Maxwell::divHMax |
Referenced by getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), and plot().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Doffset |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::dsi_cgfieldsE0 |
Referenced by getCGField(), printMemoryUsage(), and setupGridFunctions().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::dsi_cgfieldsE1 |
Referenced by getCGField(), and setupGridFunctions().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::dsi_cgfieldsH |
Referenced by getCGField(), printMemoryUsage(), and setupGridFunctions().
RealArray Maxwell::dxMinMax |
Referenced by computeTimeStep(), outputHeader(), and setupGridFunctions().
realCompositeGridFunction * Maxwell::e_cgdissipation |
Referenced by advanceDSI(), getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell(), printMemoryUsage(), setupGridFunctions(), and ~Maxwell().
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::E_dispCoeff |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), and setupDSICoefficients().
realMappedGridFunction * Maxwell::e_dissipation |
Referenced by advanceDSI(), and advanceUnstructuredDSIMV().
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::Ecoeff |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
realArray Maxwell::edgeAreaNormals |
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Eindex |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
ElementTypeEnum Maxwell::elementType |
Referenced by buildInputOutputOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), and setupGrids().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Eoffset |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), printMemoryUsage(), printStatistics(), and setupDSICoefficients().
real Maxwell::eps |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNew(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildPdeParametersDialog(), computeIntensity(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), saveParametersToShowFile(), setupDSICoefficients(), and setupGrids().
int Maxwell::epsc |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
RealArray Maxwell::epsGrid |
RealArray Maxwell::epsv |
int Maxwell::errorNorm |
Referenced by buildInputOutputOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
realMappedGridFunction* Maxwell::errp |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), Maxwell(), solve(), and ~Maxwell().
int Maxwell::ex |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), plot(), project(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveParametersToShowFile(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), userDefinedForcing(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
int Maxwell::ex01 |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNew(), assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::ex10 |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNew(), assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), plot(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::ext |
int Maxwell::ey |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), plot(), project(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveParametersToShowFile(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), userDefinedForcing(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
int Maxwell::ey01 |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNew(), assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::ey10 |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNew(), assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), plot(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::eyt |
int Maxwell::ez |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), project(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveParametersToShowFile(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), userDefinedForcing(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
int Maxwell::ezt |
realArray Maxwell::faceAreaNormals |
realMappedGridFunction* Maxwell::fields |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceDSI(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), computeDissipation(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), Maxwell(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), printMemoryUsage(), saveShow(), setupDSICoefficients(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), and ~Maxwell().
real Maxwell::filterCoefficient |
Referenced by addFilter(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
int Maxwell::filterFrequency |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
realArray* Maxwell::fn |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
ForcingEnum Maxwell::forcingOption |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), applyDSIBC(), applyDSIForcing(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getChargeDensity(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getValuesFDTD(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and solve().
real Maxwell::frequency |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::frequencyToProjectFields |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildParametersDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
int Maxwell::frequencyToSaveInShowFile |
Referenced by Maxwell(), solve(), and updateShowFile().
int Maxwell::frequencyToSaveProbes |
Referenced by buildInputOutputOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep().
real Maxwell::gaussianChargeSourceParameters[maxNumberOfGaussianChargeSources][9] |
Referenced by buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getChargeDensity(), getForcing(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::gaussianPulseParameters[maxNumberOfGaussianPulses][6] |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::gaussianSourceParameters[5] |
Referenced by buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getForcing(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
GenericGraphicsInterface* Maxwell::gip |
real Maxwell::gradEMax |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), computeDSIErrors(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), plot(), and project().
real Maxwell::gradHMax |
Referenced by getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::gridHasMaterialInterfaces |
Referenced by assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), initializeKnownSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
GridTypeEnum Maxwell::gridType |
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::Hcoeff |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Hindex |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), printMemoryUsage(), and setupDSICoefficients().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Hoffset |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), printMemoryUsage(), printStatistics(), and setupDSICoefficients().
int Maxwell::hx |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), applyDSIBC(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), Maxwell(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveParametersToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), and solve().
int Maxwell::hxt |
Referenced by advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), getErrors(), Maxwell(), setupGridFunctions(), and solve().
int Maxwell::hy |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), applyDSIBC(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), Maxwell(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveParametersToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), and solve().
int Maxwell::hyt |
Referenced by advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), getErrors(), Maxwell(), setupGridFunctions(), and solve().
int Maxwell::hz |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), applyDSIBC(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveParametersToShowFile(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), userDefinedForcing(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
int Maxwell::hz11 |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNew(), assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::hzt |
RealArray Maxwell::initialConditionBoundingBox |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
InitialConditionEnum Maxwell::initialConditionOption |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), setupGridFunctions(), and solve().
real Maxwell::initialConditionParameters[10] |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::initialTotalEnergy |
Referenced by getEnergy(), Maxwell(), and outputResults().
real Maxwell::intensityAveragingInterval |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), computeIntensity(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::intensityOption |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), computeIntensity(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::interfaceEquationsOption |
std::vector<InterfaceInfo> Maxwell::interfaceInfo |
Referenced by assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), and initializeInterfaces().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::knownSolution |
enum Maxwell::KnownSolutionEnum Maxwell::knownSolutionOption |
real Maxwell::kx |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getField(), getForcing(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
real Maxwell::ky |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getField(), getForcing(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
real Maxwell::kz |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getField(), getForcing(), getValuesFDTD(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and setupGrids().
FILE* Maxwell::logFile |
Referenced by getEnergy(), getErrors(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), outputResults(), printStatistics(), and ~Maxwell().
int Maxwell::maskBodies |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), getValuesFDTD(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::materialInterfaceOption |
RealArray Maxwell::maximumError |
Referenced by getErrors(), getValuesFDTD(), and outputResults().
int Maxwell::maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation |
Referenced by buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
IntegerArray Maxwell::media |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), and defineRegionsAndBodies().
MethodEnum Maxwell::method |
Referenced by advanceDSI(), advanceNFDTD(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), computeTimeStep(), getAugmentedSolution(), getCGField(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), initializeKnownSolution(), initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), outputResults(), plot(), printMemoryUsage(), printStatistics(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), setupGridFunctions(), setupGrids(), solve(), userDefinedForcing(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
aString Maxwell::methodName |
Referenced by outputHeader(), plot(), saveShow(), and setupGridFunctions().
MappedGrid* Maxwell::mgp |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceDSI(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), plot(), saveShow(), setupDSICoefficients(), setupGrids(), solve(), and ~Maxwell().
aString Maxwell::movieFileName |
Referenced by plot().
real Maxwell::mu |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNew(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), buildPdeParametersDialog(), computeIntensity(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), saveParametersToShowFile(), setupDSICoefficients(), and setupGrids().
int Maxwell::muc |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
RealArray Maxwell::muGrid |
RealArray Maxwell::muv |
int Maxwell::myid |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceFDTD(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeTimeStep(), getEnergy(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), Maxwell(), outputResults(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), project(), projectInterpolationPoints(), saveShow(), and solve().
aString Maxwell::nameOfGridFile |
Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), main(), outputHeader(), and printStatistics().
aString Maxwell::nameOfReferenceShowFile |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::normalPlaneMaterialInterface[3] |
int Maxwell::numberLinesForPML |
int Maxwell::numberOfComponentsCurvilinearGrid |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::numberOfComponentsRectangularGrid |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildParametersDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
int Maxwell::numberOfDivergenceSmooths |
Referenced by buildParametersDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), plot(), and project().
int Maxwell::numberOfFields |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::numberOfFilterIterations |
Referenced by addFilter(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
int Maxwell::numberOfFunctions |
Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and printMemoryUsage().
int Maxwell::numberOfGaussianChargeSources |
Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::numberOfGaussianPulses |
real Maxwell::numberOfGridPoints |
Referenced by outputHeader(), printMemoryUsage(), and printStatistics().
int Maxwell::numberOfInitialProjectionSteps |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC |
int Maxwell::numberOfMaterialRegions |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), computeTimeStep(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), initializeKnownSolution(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
int Maxwell::numberOfProjectionIterations |
Referenced by Maxwell().
int Maxwell::numberOfSequences |
Referenced by getErrors(), Maxwell(), saveSequenceInfo(), saveSequencesToShowFile(), and setupGridFunctions().
int Maxwell::numberOfStepsTaken |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), assignInitialConditions(), plot(), printStatistics(), project(), and solve().
int Maxwell::numberOfTimeLevels |
Referenced by addDissipation(), addFilter(), advanceC(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNew(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), outputHeader(), printMemoryUsage(), setupGridFunctions(), solve(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
int Maxwell::numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths |
Referenced by buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), buildVariableDissipation(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::nx[3] |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSI(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), and setupGrids().
real Maxwell::omega[4] |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), buildVariableDissipation(), computeIntensity(), getErrors(), getForcing(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), projectInterpolationPoints(), setupUserDefinedForcing(), setupUserDefinedInitialConditions(), userDefinedForcing(), and userDefinedInitialConditions().
real Maxwell::omegaForInterfaceIteration |
real Maxwell::omegaTimeHarmonic |
Referenced by computeIntensity(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
MappedGridOperators* Maxwell::op |
int Maxwell::orderOfAccuracyInSpace |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), computeTimeStep(), getChargeDensity(), getEnergy(), getErrors(), getForcing(), initializeInterfaces(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), plot(), projectInterpolationPoints(), setupGridFunctions(), and setupGrids().
int Maxwell::orderOfAccuracyInTime |
int Maxwell::orderOfArtificialDissipation |
int Maxwell::orderOfFilter |
Referenced by addFilter(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
intSerialArray* Maxwell::pBodyMask |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), getValuesFDTD(), and Maxwell().
FILE * Maxwell::pDebugFile |
realCompositeGridFunction * Maxwell::pF |
Referenced by Maxwell(), printMemoryUsage(), project(), and ~Maxwell().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pHarmonicElectricField |
Referenced by computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pIntensity |
Referenced by computeIntensity(), getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
Interpolant* Maxwell::pinterpolant |
Referenced by Maxwell(), printStatistics(), setupGrids(), and ~Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::plotDissipation |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::plotDivergence |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::plotDSIMaxVertVals |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), Maxwell(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::plotDSIPoints |
Referenced by Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::plotEnergyDensity |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::plotErrors |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents |
bool Maxwell::plotIntensity |
bool Maxwell::plotRho |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::plotScatteredField |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::plotTotalField |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
real Maxwell::pmc[numberOfPlaneMaterialInterfaceCoefficients] |
int Maxwell::pmlErrorOffset |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
real Maxwell::pmlLayerStrength |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
int Maxwell::pmlPower |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
Oges* Maxwell::poisson |
Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), printStatistics(), project(), updateProjectionEquation(), and ~Maxwell().
DialogData * Maxwell::pParametersDialog |
Referenced by plot().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pPhi |
Referenced by Maxwell(), printMemoryUsage(), project(), and ~Maxwell().
DialogData* Maxwell::pPlotOptionsDialog |
Referenced by plot().
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pRho |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), getMaxDivergence(), Maxwell(), printMemoryUsage(), setupGridFunctions(), and ~Maxwell().
FILE* Maxwell::probeFile |
Referenced by Maxwell(), outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), and ~Maxwell().
aString Maxwell::probeFileName |
Referenced by buildInputOutputOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep().
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::probeGridLocation |
Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), and outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep().
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::probes |
Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), and outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep().
bool Maxwell::projectFields |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildParametersDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
bool Maxwell::projectInitialConditions |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::projectInterpolation |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
GraphicsParameters Maxwell::psp |
Referenced by plot().
real Maxwell::pwc[6] |
int Maxwell::radbcAxis[2] |
Referenced by initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::radbcGrid[2] |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), and Maxwell().
int Maxwell::radbcSide[2] |
Referenced by initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), and Maxwell().
RadiationBoundaryCondition* Maxwell::radiationBoundaryCondition |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
real Maxwell::radiusForCheckingErrors |
Referenced by buildPlotOptionsDialog(), getErrors(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and plot().
int Maxwell::rc |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), getChargeDensity(), and setupGridFunctions().
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<real> > Maxwell::REcoeff |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), reconstructDSIAtEntities(), and reconstructDSIField().
ShowFileReader* Maxwell::referenceShowFileReader |
Referenced by getErrors(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::REindex |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), reconstructDSIAtEntities(), and reconstructDSIField().
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<real> > Maxwell::RHcoeff |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), reconstructDSIAtEntities(), and reconstructDSIField().
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::RHindex |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage(), reconstructDSIAtEntities(), and reconstructDSIField().
GUIState* Maxwell::runTimeDialog |
Referenced by buildRunTimeDialog(), Maxwell(), plot(), and ~Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::saveDivergenceInShowFile |
Referenced by updateShowFile().
bool Maxwell::saveErrorsInShowFile |
Referenced by updateShowFile().
bool Maxwell::saveGridInShowFile |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and saveShow().
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::SEindex |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage().
RealArray Maxwell::sequence |
Referenced by saveSequenceInfo(), and saveSequencesToShowFile().
int Maxwell::sequenceCount |
Referenced by Maxwell(), saveSequenceInfo(), and saveSequencesToShowFile().
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::SHindex |
Referenced by printMemoryUsage().
Ogshow* Maxwell::show |
int Maxwell::showFileFrameForGrid |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and saveShow().
int Maxwell::sigmaEc |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaEGrid |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), and setupGrids().
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaEv |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), and outputHeader().
int Maxwell::sigmaHc |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaHGrid |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), and setupGrids().
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaHv |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), and outputHeader().
real Maxwell::sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), Maxwell(), and printMemoryUsage().
real Maxwell::slowStartInterval |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignBoundaryConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), getForcing(), getValuesFDTD(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
RealArray Maxwell::solutionNorm |
Referenced by getErrors(), getMaxDivergence(), getValuesFDTD(), and outputResults().
bool Maxwell::solveForElectricField |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), initializeKnownSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), setupGridFunctions(), and solve().
bool Maxwell::solveForMagneticField |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), getAugmentedSolution(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getMaxDivergence(), initializeKnownSolution(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), plot(), setupGridFunctions(), setupGrids(), and solve().
real Maxwell::tFinal |
Referenced by buildRunTimeDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), main(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), plot(), and solve().
RealArray Maxwell::timeSequence |
Referenced by saveSequenceInfo(), and saveSequencesToShowFile().
enum Maxwell::TimeSteppingMethodEnum Maxwell::timeSteppingMethod |
RealArray Maxwell::timing |
Referenced by addFilter(), advanceFDTD(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), applyDSIBC(), applyDSIForcing(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInitialConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), computeDissipation(), computeIntensity(), computeTimeStep(), defineRegionsAndBodies(), getErrors(), initializeInterfaces(), main(), Maxwell(), plot(), printStatistics(), project(), saveShow(), setupGridFunctions(), setupGrids(), and solve().
aString Maxwell::timingName[maximumNumberOfTimings] |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and printStatistics().
real Maxwell::totalEnergy |
Referenced by getEnergy(), Maxwell(), and outputResults().
int Maxwell::totalNumberOfArrays |
Referenced by checkArrays(), and Maxwell().
real Maxwell::tPlot |
enum Maxwell::TwlightZoneForcingEnum Maxwell::twilightZoneOption |
Referenced by assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), outputHeader(), and plot().
OGFunction* Maxwell::tz |
ArraySimple<ArraySimple<UnstructuredMappingAdjacencyIterator> > Maxwell::ulinks |
Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSI().
ArraySimple<ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::ulinksE |
ArraySimple<ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::ulinksH |
bool Maxwell::useChargeDensity |
bool Maxwell::useConservative |
bool Maxwell::useConservativeDivergence |
Referenced by buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), getMaxDivergence(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::useDivergenceCleaning |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), Maxwell(), and outputHeader().
bool Maxwell::useGhostInReconstruction |
Referenced by applyDSIBC(), reconstructDSIAtEntities(), reconstructDSIField(), and setupDSICoefficients().
bool Maxwell::useNewInterfaceRoutines |
Referenced by assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::useStreamMode |
Referenced by Maxwell(), and updateShowFile().
bool Maxwell::useTwilightZone |
Referenced by Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::useTwilightZoneMaterials |
Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().
bool Maxwell::useVariableDissipation |
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::variableDissipation |
Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), buildVariableDissipation(), getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
RealArray* Maxwell::vpml |
Referenced by assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().
real Maxwell::x0GaussianPlaneWave |
real Maxwell::x0PlaneMaterialInterface[3] |
real Maxwell::xab[2][3] |
real Maxwell::y0GaussianPlaneWave |
real Maxwell::z0GaussianPlaneWave |
Referenced by buildForcingOptionsDialog(), interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().