CG  Version 25
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Maxwell Class Reference

#include <Maxwell.h>

Collaboration diagram for Maxwell:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  GridTypeEnum {
  square, rotatedSquare, sineSquare, skewedSquare,
  chevron, squareByTriangles, squareByQuads, sineByTriangles,
  annulus, box, chevbox, perturbedSquare,
  perturbedBox, compositeGrid, unknown
enum  ElementTypeEnum {
  structuredElements, triangles, quadrilaterals, hexahedra,
enum  BoundaryConditionEnum {
  periodic =0, dirichlet =1, perfectElectricalConductor, perfectMagneticConductor,
  planeWaveBoundaryCondition, symmetry, interfaceBoundaryCondition, abcEM2,
  abcPML, abc3, abc4, abc5,
  rbcNonLocal, rbcLocal, numberOfBCNames
enum  BoundaryConditionOptionEnum { useAllPeriodicBoundaryConditions =0, useAllDirichletBoundaryConditions, useAllPerfectElectricalConductorBoundaryConditions, useGeneralBoundaryConditions }
enum  InitialConditionEnum {
  defaultInitialCondition =0, planeWaveInitialCondition, gaussianPlaneWave, gaussianPulseInitialCondition,
  squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, zeroInitialCondition, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition,
  planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, twilightZoneInitialCondition, userDefinedInitialConditionsOption,
enum  ForcingEnum {
  noForcing, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, gaussianSource, twilightZoneForcing,
  planeWaveBoundaryForcing, gaussianChargeSource, userDefinedForcingOption, numberOfForcingNames
enum  TwlightZoneForcingEnum { polynomialTwilightZone, trigonometricTwilightZone, pulseTwilightZone }
enum  KnownSolutionEnum {
  noKnownSolution, twilightZoneKnownSolution, planeWaveKnownSolution, gaussianPlaneWaveKnownSolution,
  gaussianIntegralKnownSolution, planeMaterialInterfaceKnownSolution, scatteringFromADiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricDiskKnownSolution,
  scatteringFromASphereKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricSphereKnownSolution, squareEigenfunctionKnownSolution, annulusEigenfunctionKnownSolution,
enum  FieldEnum {
  EField, E100, E010, E001,
  HField, H100, H010, H001
enum  MethodEnum {
  defaultMethod =0, yee, dsi, dsiNew,
  dsiMatVec, nfdtd, sosup
enum  TimeSteppingMethodEnum {
  defaultTimeStepping =0, adamsBashforthSymmetricThirdOrder, rungeKuttaFourthOrder, stoermerTimeStepping,
enum  { numberOfPlaneMaterialInterfaceCoefficients =33 }
enum  { maxNumberOfGaussianPulses =20 }
enum  { maxNumberOfGaussianChargeSources =10 }
enum  DSIBCOption {
  defaultDSIBC =0x0, forceExtrap =0x1, zeroBC =forceExtrap<<1, curlHBC =zeroBC<<1,
  curlcurlHBC =curlHBC<<1, curlcurlcurlHBC =curlcurlHBC<<1, forcedBC = curlHBC|curlcurlHBC|curlcurlcurlHBC
enum  TimingEnum {
  totalTime =0, timeForInitialize, timeForDSIMatrix, timeForInitialConditions,
  timeForAdvance, timeForAdvanceRectangularGrids, timeForAdvanceCurvilinearGrids, timeForAdvanceUnstructuredGrids,
  timeForAdvOpt, timeForDissipation, timeForBoundaryConditions, timeForInterfaceBC,
  timeForRadiationBC, timeForRaditionKernel, timeForInterpolate, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries,
  timeForGetError, timeForForcing, timeForProject, timeForIntensity,
  timeForComputingDeltaT, timeForPlotting, timeForShowFile, timeForWaiting,

Public Member Functions

 Maxwell ()
 Constructor for the Maxwell solver.
 ~Maxwell ()
int addDissipation (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields, const Range &C)
 Add in an artificial dissipation.
void addFilter (int current, real t, real dt)
bool adjustBoundsForPML (MappedGrid &mg, Index Iv[3], int extra=0)
void advanceC (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields)
 Advance on a curvilinear grid using the DSI scheme.
void advanceDSI (int current, real t, real dt)
 Advance on a curvilinear or unstructured grid using the DSI scheme.
void advanceFDTD (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt)
 Advance a step with the Yee scheme. – Cartesian grids only —.
void advanceNew (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields)
 Advance on a curvilinear grid using the new DSI scheme.
void advanceNFDTD (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt)
 Advance on a curvilinear grid.
void advanceSOSUP (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt)
 Advance using the second-order-system upwind scheme.
void advanceUnstructuredDSI (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields)
void advanceUnstructuredDSIMV (int current, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction *fields)
void assignBoundaryConditions (int option, int grid, real t, real dt, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &uOld, int current)
 Apply boundary conditions.
void assignInitialConditions (int current, real t, real dt)
 Assign initial conditions.
void assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions (int current, real t, real dt)
int buildRunTimeDialog ()
int buildVariableDissipation ()
void checkArrays (const aString &label)
void computeDissipation (int current, real t, real dt)
int computeIntensity (int current, real t, real dt, int stepNumber, real nextTimeToPlot)
 Compute the time averaged intensity OR compute the real and imaginary components.
void computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep (const real &t, const real &tFinal, const real &nextTimeToPlot, int &numberOfSubSteps, real &dtNew, const bool &adjustTimeStep=true)
int computeTimeStep ()
 Determine the time step.
int defineRegionsAndBodies ()
 Assign the mask that denotes the locations of bodies for the Yee scheme.
void displayBoundaryConditions (FILE *file=stdout)
realCompositeGridFunction & getAugmentedSolution (int current, realCompositeGridFunction &v, const real t)
 Create a grid function that holds all the things we can plot.
bool getBoundsForPML (MappedGrid &mg, Index Iv[3], int extra=0)
void getChargeDensity (int current, real t, realCompositeGridFunction &u, int component=0)
void getChargeDensity (real t, realMappedGridFunction &u, int component=0)
void getEnergy (int current, real t, real dt)
void getErrors (int current, real t, real dt)
 Determine the errors.
void getField (real x, real y, real t, real *eField)
 Return the true solution for the electric field.
int getForcing (int current, int grid, realArray &u, real t, real dt, int option=0)
void getMaxDivergence (const int current, real t, realCompositeGridFunction *pu=NULL, int component=0, realCompositeGridFunction *pDensity=NULL, int rhoComponent=0, bool computeMaxNorms=true)
int getValuesFDTD (int option, int *iparam, int current, real t, real dt, realCompositeGridFunction *v=NULL)
 compute various quantities for the FDTD "Yee" scheme
void initializeKnownSolution ()
void initializeInterfaces ()
int initializePlaneMaterialInterface ()
 Initialize the constants that define the plane material interface solution.
int initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions ()
int interactiveUpdate (GL_GraphicsInterface &gi)
void outputHeader ()
 Output the header banner with parameters and grid info.
int outputResults (int current, real t, real dt)
int outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep (int current, real t, real dt, int stepNumber, real nextTimeToPlot)
int plot (int current, real t, real dt)
int printMemoryUsage (FILE *file=stdout)
 /brief: print the memory usage that cgmx thinks that it is using
int printStatistics (FILE *file=stdout)
int project (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt)
int projectInterpolationPoints (int numberOfStepsTaken, int current, real t, real dt)
void saveShow (int current, real t, real dt)
int saveParametersToShowFile ()
int setBoundaryCondition (aString &answer, GL_GraphicsInterface &gi, IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition)
int setupGrids ()
 Setup and initialization. Build the grid and solution fields.
int setupGridFunctions ()
 Setup and initialization. Build the solution fields.
int setupUserDefinedForcing ()
 This function is used to choose a user defined forcing and input parameters etc.
int setupUserDefinedInitialConditions ()
 choose a user defined initial condition.
void smoothDivergence (realCompositeGridFunction &u, const int numberOfSmooths)
int solve (GL_GraphicsInterface &gi)
 Solve the equations.
int updateProjectionEquation ()
bool usingPMLBoundaryConditions () const
int updateShowFile (const aString &command=nullString, DialogData *interface=NULL)
int userDefinedForcing (realArray &f, int iparam[], real rparam[])
 Evaluate the user defined forcing.
void userDefinedForcingCleanup ()
 This routine is called when cgmx is finished and can be used to clean up memory.
int userDefinedInitialConditions (int current, real t, real dt)
 : Evaluate the user defined initial conditions.
void userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup ()
realCompositeGridFunction & getCGField (Maxwell::FieldEnum f, int tn)
void setupDSICoefficients ()
void reconstructDSIField (real t, FieldEnum field, realMappedGridFunction &from, realMappedGridFunction &to)
bool reconstructDSIAtEntities (real t, FieldEnum field, IntegerArray &entities, realMappedGridFunction &from, RealArray &to)
void applyDSIBC (realMappedGridFunction &gf, real t, bool isEField, bool isProjection=true, int bcopt=defaultDSIBC)
void applyDSIForcing (realMappedGridFunction &gf, real t, real dt, bool isEField, bool isProjection=true)
int getCenters (MappedGrid &mg, UnstructuredMapping::EntityTypeEnum cent, realArray &xe)

Static Public Member Functions

static int addPrefix (const aString label[], const aString &prefix, aString cmd[], const int maxCommands)
static real getMaxValue (real value, int processor=-1)
static int getMaxValue (int value, int processor=-1)
static real getMinValue (real value, int processor=-1)
static int getMinValue (int value, int processor=-1)

Public Attributes

enum Maxwell::KnownSolutionEnum knownSolutionOption
DataBase dbase
MethodEnum method
aString methodName
BoundaryConditionOptionEnum bcOption
ForcingEnum forcingOption
InitialConditionEnum initialConditionOption
int ex
int ey
int ez
int hx
int hy
int hz
int ext
int eyt
int ezt
int hxt
int hyt
int hzt
int rc
int epsc
int muc
int sigmaEc
int sigmaHc
int numberOfComponentsRectangularGrid
int ex10
int ey10
int ex01
int ey01
int hz11
int numberOfComponentsCurvilinearGrid
real frequency
real eps
real mu
real c
RealArray epsGrid
RealArray muGrid
RealArray cGrid
RealArray sigmaEGrid
RealArray sigmaHGrid
bool gridHasMaterialInterfaces
real omegaForInterfaceIteration
int materialInterfaceOption
int interfaceEquationsOption
bool useNewInterfaceRoutines
int numberOfMaterialRegions
IntegerArray media
RealArray epsv
RealArray muv
RealArray sigmaEv
RealArray sigmaHv
int maskBodies
intSerialArray * pBodyMask
bool useTwilightZoneMaterials
std::vector< InterfaceInfointerfaceInfo
real kx
real ky
real kz
real pwc [6]
real pmc [numberOfPlaneMaterialInterfaceCoefficients]
int nx [3]
real deltaT
real xab [2][3]
IntegerArray adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField
real betaGaussianPlaneWave
real x0GaussianPlaneWave
real y0GaussianPlaneWave
real z0GaussianPlaneWave
real gaussianSourceParameters [5]
int numberOfGaussianPulses
real gaussianPulseParameters [maxNumberOfGaussianPulses][6]
int numberOfGaussianChargeSources
real gaussianChargeSourceParameters [maxNumberOfGaussianChargeSources][9]
real cfl
real tFinal
real tPlot
int numberOfStepsTaken
RealArray dxMinMax
real divEMax
real gradEMax
real divHMax
real gradHMax
int maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation
int numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC
int orderOfArtificialDissipation
real artificialDissipation
real artificialDissipationCurvilinear
int artificialDissipationInterval
real divergenceDamping
bool applyFilter
int orderOfFilter
int filterFrequency
int numberOfFilterIterations
real filterCoefficient
bool useDivergenceCleaning
real divergenceCleaningCoefficient
bool useChargeDensity
realCompositeGridFunction * pRho
realCompositeGridFunction * pPhi
realCompositeGridFunction * pF
Oges * poisson
bool projectFields
int frequencyToProjectFields
int numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject
int numberOfInitialProjectionSteps
int numberOfDivergenceSmooths
int numberOfProjectionIterations
bool initializeProjection
bool useConservativeDivergence
bool projectInitialConditions
bool projectInterpolation
bool solveForElectricField
bool solveForMagneticField
bool checkErrors
bool computeEnergy
bool plotDivergence
bool plotErrors
bool plotDissipation
bool plotScatteredField
bool plotTotalField
bool plotRho
bool plotEnergyDensity
bool plotIntensity
int intensityOption
real omegaTimeHarmonic
real intensityAveragingInterval
bool plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents
bool compareToReferenceShowFile
aString nameOfReferenceShowFile
bool plotDSIPoints
bool plotDSIMaxVertVals
RealArray maximumError
RealArray solutionNorm
int errorNorm
real totalEnergy
real initialTotalEnergy
real radiusForCheckingErrors
RealArray initialConditionBoundingBox
real boundingBoxDecayExponent
GridTypeEnum gridType
ElementTypeEnum elementType
real chevronFrequency
real chevronAmplitude
real cylinderRadius
real cylinderAxisStart
real cylinderAxisEnd
realMappedGridFunction * fields
realMappedGridFunction * dissipation
realMappedGridFunction * e_dissipation
realMappedGridFunction * errp
MappedGrid * mgp
MappedGridOperators * op
int numberLinesForPML
int pmlPower
real pmlLayerStrength
int pmlErrorOffset
RealArray * vpml
int orderOfAccuracyInSpace
int orderOfAccuracyInTime
bool useConservative
bool useVariableDissipation
int numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths
int degreeSpace
int degreeSpaceX
int degreeSpaceY
int degreeSpaceZ
int degreeTime
real omega [4]
real initialConditionParameters [10]
real slowStartInterval
aString probeFileName
ArraySimple< real > probes
ArraySimple< int > probeGridLocation
int frequencyToSaveProbes
FILE * probeFile
real normalPlaneMaterialInterface [3]
real x0PlaneMaterialInterface [3]
int radbcGrid [2]
int radbcSide [2]
int radbcAxis [2]
CompositeGrid * cgp
CompositeGridOperators * cgop
int numberOfFields
realCompositeGridFunction * cgfields
realCompositeGridFunction * cgdissipation
realCompositeGridFunction * e_cgdissipation
realCompositeGridFunction * cgerrp
realCompositeGridFunction * variableDissipation
realCompositeGridFunction * knownSolution
Interpolant * pinterpolant
realCompositeGridFunction * dsi_cgfieldsE0
realCompositeGridFunction * dsi_cgfieldsE1
realCompositeGridFunction * dsi_cgfieldsH
realCompositeGridFunction * pIntensity
realCompositeGridFunction * pHarmonicElectricField
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< int > > ulinksE
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< int > > ulinksH
ArraySimple< ArraySimple
< UnstructuredMappingAdjacencyIterator > > 
bool useGhostInReconstruction
ArraySimple< real > Ecoeff
ArraySimple< real > Hcoeff
ArraySimple< int > Eindex
ArraySimple< int > Eoffset
ArraySimple< int > Hindex
ArraySimple< int > Hoffset
ArraySimple< int > Dindex
ArraySimple< int > Doffset
ArraySimple< real > Dcoeff
ArraySimple< real > dispCoeff
ArraySimple< real > E_dispCoeff
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< real > > REcoeff
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< real > > RHcoeff
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< int > > REindex
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< int > > RHindex
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< int > > SEindex
ArraySimple< ArraySimple< int > > SHindex
ArraySimple< real > A
ArraySimple< real > As
ArraySimple< int > Aindex
ArraySimple< int > Aoffset
ArraySimple< int > Asindex
ArraySimple< int > Asoffset
ArraySimple< int > CCindex
ArraySimple< int > CCoffset
ArraySimple< real > CCcoeff
realArray faceAreaNormals
realArray edgeAreaNormals
int numberOfTimeLevels
int myid
int numberOfFunctions
int currentFn
realArray * fn
realCompositeGridFunction * cgfn
GenericGraphicsInterface * gip
GraphicsParameters psp
GUIState * runTimeDialog
DialogData * pPlotOptionsDialog
DialogData * pParametersDialog
aString movieFileName
int movieFrame
int plotChoices
int plotOptions
int debug
real numberOfGridPoints
int totalNumberOfArrays
aString nameOfGridFile
FILE * logFile
FILE * debugFile
FILE * pDebugFile
FILE * checkFile
bool useTwilightZone
OGFunction * tz
Ogshow * show
ShowFileReader * referenceShowFileReader
int sequenceCount
int numberOfSequences
RealArray timeSequence
RealArray sequence
bool useStreamMode
bool saveGridInShowFile
int frequencyToSaveInShowFile
int showFileFrameForGrid
bool saveDivergenceInShowFile
bool saveErrorsInShowFile
RealArray timing
aString timingName [maximumNumberOfTimings]
real sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance

Static Public Attributes

static aString bcName [numberOfBCNames]

Protected Member Functions

int buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
int buildForcingOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
int buildPlotOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
int buildInputOutputOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog)
int buildPdeParametersDialog (DialogData &dialog)
int buildParametersDialog (DialogData &dialog)
int saveSequenceInfo (real t0, RealArray &sequenceData)
int saveSequencesToShowFile ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Maxwell::Maxwell ( )

Constructor for the Maxwell solver.

  • allowUserDefinedOutput (int) : if true call the userDefinedOutput function.

References all, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, artificialDissipationInterval, bcOption, betaGaussianPlaneWave, boundingBoxDecayExponent, c, cfl, cgdissipation, cgerrp, cgfields, cgfn, cgop, cgp, checkErrors, checkFile, chevronAmplitude, chevronFrequency, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeEnergy, currentFn, cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, cylinderRadius, dbase, debug, debugFile, defaultInitialCondition, defaultMethod, defaultTimeStepping, degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, dissipation, divEMax, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, e_cgdissipation, elementType, eps, epsc, errorNorm, errp, ex, ex01, ex10, ext, ey, ey01, ey10, eyt, ez, ezt, fields, filterCoefficient, filterFrequency, fn, forcingOption, frequency, frequencyToProjectFields, frequencyToSaveInShowFile, frequencyToSaveProbes, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianPulseParameters, gaussianSourceParameters, gip, gradEMax, gridHasMaterialInterfaces, gridType, hx, hxt, hy, hyt, hz, hz11, hzt, i, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializeProjection, initialTotalEnergy, intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, interfaceEquationsOption, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, logFile, maskBodies, materialInterfaceOption, maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation, maximumNumberOfTimings, method, mgp, movieFrame, mu, muc, myid, nameOfReferenceShowFile, noForcing, noKnownSolution, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, np, numberLinesForPML, numberOfComponentsCurvilinearGrid, numberOfComponentsRectangularGrid, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfFields, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfFunctions, numberOfGaussianChargeSources, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfMaterialRegions, numberOfProjectionIterations, numberOfSequences, numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths, nx, omega, omegaForInterfaceIteration, omegaTimeHarmonic, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, pBodyMask, pDebugFile, pF, pHarmonicElectricField, pIntensity, pinterpolant, plotChoices, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotDSIMaxVertVals, plotDSIPoints, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotOptions, plotRho, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, pmlErrorOffset, pmlLayerStrength, pmlPower, poisson, polynomialTwilightZone, pPhi, pRho, probeFile, probeFileName, projectFields, projectInitialConditions, projectInterpolation, pwc, radbcAxis, radbcGrid, radbcSide, radiationBoundaryCondition, radiusForCheckingErrors, referenceShowFileReader, runTimeDialog, saveGridInShowFile, sequenceCount, show, showFileFrameForGrid, sigmaEc, sigmaHc, sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, structuredElements, tFinal, timeForAdvance, timeForAdvanceCurvilinearGrids, timeForAdvanceRectangularGrids, timeForAdvanceUnstructuredGrids, timeForAdvOpt, timeForBoundaryConditions, timeForComputingDeltaT, timeForDissipation, timeForDSIMatrix, timeForForcing, timeForGetError, timeForInitialConditions, timeForInitialize, timeForIntensity, timeForInterfaceBC, timeForInterpolate, timeForPlotting, timeForProject, timeForRadiationBC, timeForRaditionKernel, timeForShowFile, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries, timeForWaiting, timeSteppingMethod, timing, timingName, totalEnergy, totalNumberOfArrays, totalTime, tPlot, twilightZoneOption, tz, unknown, useChargeDensity, useConservative, useConservativeDivergence, useDivergenceCleaning, useGeneralBoundaryConditions, useNewInterfaceRoutines, useStreamMode, useTwilightZone, useTwilightZoneMaterials, useVariableDissipation, variableDissipation, vpml, x0GaussianPlaneWave, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, xab, y0GaussianPlaneWave, and z0GaussianPlaneWave.

Maxwell::~Maxwell ( )

Member Function Documentation

int Maxwell::addDissipation ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
realMappedGridFunction *  field,
const Range &  C 

Add in an artificial dissipation.

C(input) : apply to these components.

References artificialDissipation, assert(), d, dissipation, getIndex(), I1, I2, I3, mg, n, numberOfTimeLevels, orderOfArtificialDissipation, and u.

Referenced by advanceC(), and advanceNew().

void Maxwell::addFilter ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::addPrefix ( const aString  label[],
const aString &  prefix,
aString  cmd[],
const int  maxCommands 

References assert(), i, and printF().

Referenced by updateShowFile().

bool Maxwell::adjustBoundsForPML ( MappedGrid &  mg,
Index  Iv[3],
int  extra = 0 

References abcPML, axis, and numberLinesForPML.

Referenced by getErrors().

void Maxwell::advanceC ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
realMappedGridFunction *  fields 
void Maxwell::advanceDSI ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 

Advance on a curvilinear or unstructured grid using the DSI scheme.

References advanceC(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), cg, cgdissipation, cgp, dissipation, dsi, dsiMatVec, E010, E100, e_cgdissipation, e_dissipation, EField, fields, getCGField(), grid, HField, method, mg, and mgp.

Referenced by solve().

void Maxwell::advanceFDTD ( int  numberOfStepsTaken,
int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
void Maxwell::advanceNew ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
realMappedGridFunction *  field 

Advance on a curvilinear grid using the new DSI scheme.

Here we assume the grid is nearly orthogonal

References addDissipation(), all, artificialDissipation, center, debug, display(), dot(), eps, ex01, ex10, ey01, ey10, getIndex(), hz11, I1, I2, I3, J1, J2, J3, m1, m2, mg, mu, numberOfTimeLevels, u, x, and y.

Referenced by solve().

void Maxwell::advanceNFDTD ( int  numberOfStepsTaken,
int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 

Advance on a curvilinear grid.

References addFilter(), advMaxwell, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, assert(), assignBoundaryConditions(), assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), c, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, checkArrays(), computeDissipation(), currentFn, debug, debugFile, display(), divEMax, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, dx, eps, epsGrid, ex, ey, ez, f, fields, filterFrequency, FN, fn, forcingOption, frequencyToProjectFields, getBoundsForPML(), getErrors(), getForcing(), getIndex(), getMaxDivergence(), gradEMax, grid, gridType, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, isRectangular, J1, J2, J3, kx, ky, kz, m1, m2, m3, mask, maskLocal, method, mg, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muGrid, nfdtd, noForcing, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfFunctions, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, pDebugFile, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, printF(), project(), projectFields, projectInterpolation, projectInterpolationPoints(), sigmaEGrid, sigmaHGrid, sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, stoermerTimeStepping, timeForAdvanceCurvilinearGrids, timeForAdvanceRectangularGrids, timeForAdvOpt, timeForBoundaryConditions, timeForDissipation, timeForForcing, timeForInitialize, timeForInterpolate, timeForUpdateGhostBoundaries, timeSteppingMethod, timing, u, uLocal, useConservative, useDivergenceCleaning, useVariableDissipation, and variableDissipation.

Referenced by solve().

void Maxwell::advanceSOSUP ( int  numberOfStepsTaken,
int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
void Maxwell::advanceUnstructuredDSI ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
realMappedGridFunction *  fields 
void Maxwell::advanceUnstructuredDSIMV ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
realMappedGridFunction *  fields 
void Maxwell::applyDSIBC ( realMappedGridFunction &  gf,
real  t,
bool  isEField,
bool  isProjection = true,
int  bcopt = defaultDSIBC 
void Maxwell::applyDSIForcing ( realMappedGridFunction &  gf,
real  t,
real  dt,
bool  isEField,
bool  isProjection = true 
void Maxwell::assignBoundaryConditions ( int  option,
int  grid,
real  t,
real  dt,
realMappedGridFunction &  u,
realMappedGridFunction &  uOld,
int  current 

Apply boundary conditions.

option,:option=1 : apply BC's to E at t+dt/2; option=2 : apply BC's to H at t+dt, option=3 : apply all BC's

References abc5, abcEM2, abcMaxwell, abcPML, adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField, adjustForIncident, all, assert(), RadiationBoundaryCondition::assignBoundaryConditions(), axis, bcOption, bcOptMaxwell, bcSymmetry, c, cc, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, cost, RadiationBoundaryCondition::debug, debug, debugFile, dir, dirichlet, display(), dsi, dtb2, dx, e, eps, epsGrid, ex, ex01, ex10, exmax, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, extTrue3d, ey, ey01, ey10, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, eytTrue3d, ez, ezt, ezTrue3d, eztTrue3d, f, fields, FOR_3D, forcingOption, frequency, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianPlaneWave, getBoundsForPML(), getChargeDensity(), getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), getLocalBoundsAndBoundaryConditions(), grid, gridType, hx, hxt, hxTrue3d, hy, hyt, hyTrue3d, hz, hz11, hzGaussianPulse, hzt, hzTrue, hzTrue3d, hztTrue, i, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ig1, Ig2, Ig3, includeGhost, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initializeKnownSolution(), interfaceBoundaryCondition, is2, isRectangular, knownSolution, kx, ky, kz, m, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, myid, n, nfdtd, np, numberLinesForPML, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, op, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, pDebugFile, perfectElectricalConductor, period, planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, planeWaveBoundaryCondition, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition, pmc, PML, pmlLayerStrength, pmlMaxwell, pmlPower, pRho, printF(), pwc, radbcGrid, radiationBoundaryCondition, rbcLocal, rbcNonLocal, rx, side, sint, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, symmetry, timeForBoundaryConditions, timing, tm, twilightZoneForcing, RadiationBoundaryCondition::tz, tz, u, U, UG, ugLocal, uLocal, useChargeDensity, vpml, VPML, WPML, x, X, x0GaussianPlaneWave, xe, y, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yee, and z.

Referenced by advanceC(), advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), and assignInitialConditions().

void Maxwell::assignInitialConditions ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 

Assign initial conditions.

References a, a2, all, AMP2D, amplitude, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, assert(), assignBoundaryConditions(), besselPrimeZeros, besselZeros, bj, bjp, bjThetax, bjThetay, boundingBoxDecayExponent, buildCenter, c, cc, CE, center, cg, cgerrp, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, coskz, cosn, cost, cosTheta, currentFn, cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, cylinderLength, debug, debugFile, defaultInitialCondition, degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, display(), dsiMatVec, dtb2, dx, e, edgeAreaNormals, EField, emptyArray, emptySerialArray, eps, epsc, epsGrid, epsv, erre, errel, errep, errh, errhl, errhp, errp, ex, exGaussianPulse, exLaplacianTrue, exLaplacianTrue3d, exmax, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, ey, eyGaussianPulse, eyLaplacianTrue, eyLaplacianTrue3d, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, ez, ezLaplacianTrue3d, ezt, ezTrue3d, f, faceAreaNormals, fields, FN, fn, FOR_3, FOR_3D, forcingOption, frequency, ft, fx, fy, fz, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianPlaneWave, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, gaussianPulseParameters, getCenters(), getCGField(), getForcing(), getIndex(), getValuesFDTD(), gr, grid, gt, gx, gy, gz, HField, hx, hxLaplacianTrue3d, hxTrue3d, hy, hyLaplacianTrue3d, hyTrue3d, hz, hzGaussianPulse, hzLaplacianGaussianPulse, hzLaplacianTrue, hzLaplacianTrue3d, hzt, hzTrue, hzTrue3d, hztTrue, i, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ie1, Ie2, Ie3, Iev, Ih1, Ih2, Ih3, Ihv, includeGhost, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializeKnownSolution(), isRectangular, isStructured, J1, J2, J3, k, knownSolution, kx, ky, kz, lambda, m, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, mdbpz, mdbz, media, method, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muc, muGrid, muv, n, nc, ndbpz, ndbz, ndp, nfdtd, np1Factorial, numberOfFunctions, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfMaterialRegions, numberOfStepsTaken, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, orderOfAccuracyInTime, OV_ABORT(), period, planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition, pmc, polynomialTwilightZone, printF(), project(), projectInitialConditions, pulseTwilightZone, r, rc, rx, ry, scale, sigmaEc, sigmaEv, sigmaHc, sigmaHv, sinkz, sinn, sint, sinTheta, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, spatialCoefficientsForTZ, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, tE, tH, the, theta, thetax, thetay, timeCoefficientsForTZ, timeForInitialConditions, timeForProject, timeSteppingMethod, timing, tm, trigonometricTwilightZone, twilightZoneForcing, twilightZoneOption, tz, uc, ue, ueDim0, ueDim1, ueDim2, ueDimFA, uel, uep, uepp, uex, UEX, uey, UEY, UEZ, UG, ugLocal, uh, uhDim0, uhDim1, uhDim2, uhDimFA, uhl, uhp, uhpp, UHX, UHY, UHZ, uLocal, ume, umel, umep, UMEX, UMEY, UMEZ, umh, umhl, umhp, UMHX, UMHY, UMHZ, une, unel, unep, unh, unhl, unhp, useChargeDensity, userDefinedInitialConditions(), userDefinedInitialConditionsOption, useTwilightZoneMaterials, vc, wc, x, X, X0, x0GaussianPlaneWave, X1, X2, xab, xce, xcel, xch, xchl, xd, xe, xeDim0, xeDim1, xeDim2, xep, XEP, xh, xhDim0, xhDim1, xhDim2, xhp, XHP, y, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yd, ye, yee, yh, z, zd, ze, zeroInitialCondition, and zh.

Referenced by solve().

void Maxwell::assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::buildForcingOptionsDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)
int Maxwell::buildInputOutputOptionsDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)
int Maxwell::buildParametersDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)
int Maxwell::buildPdeParametersDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)

References assert(), eps, and mu.

Referenced by interactiveUpdate().

int Maxwell::buildPlotOptionsDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)
int Maxwell::buildRunTimeDialog ( )

References assert(), cfl, debug, getAugmentedSolution(), gip, n, runTimeDialog, tFinal, tPlot, u, and v.

Referenced by plot().

int Maxwell::buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog ( DialogData &  dialog)
int Maxwell::buildVariableDissipation ( )
void Maxwell::checkArrays ( const aString &  label)
void Maxwell::computeDissipation ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::computeIntensity ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
int  stepNumber,
real  nextTimeToPlot 

Compute the time averaged intensity OR compute the real and imaginary components.

Compute the time averaged intensity to be output at t=nextTimeToPlot See the notes in mx3d.pdf for details on the formulae for computing the

intensity given the solution at two times.

References a2, all, assert(), assign(), axis, c, cg, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, debug, E, eps, epsGrid, ex, ey, ez, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, m, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, n, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, omegaTimeHarmonic, op, OV_ABORT(), period, pHarmonicElectricField, pIntensity, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, printF(), ta, timeForIntensity, timing, tPlot, u, uLocal, and v.

Referenced by outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep().

void Maxwell::computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep ( const real &  t,
const real &  tFinal,
const real &  nextTimeToPlot,
int &  numberOfSubSteps,
real &  dtNew,
const bool &  adjustTimeStep = true 

References assert(), debug, printF(), and tPlot.

Referenced by solve().

int Maxwell::computeTimeStep ( )
int Maxwell::defineRegionsAndBodies ( )

Assign the mask that denotes the locations of bodies for the Yee scheme.

Define material regions and bodies that are defined by a mask

References assert(), cg, cgp, dx, eps, epsv, FOR_3D, getIndex(), gip, grid, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, includeGhost, isRectangular, mask, maskBodies, maskLocal, media, mg, mu, muv, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, numberOfMaterialRegions, ok, OV_ABORT(), pBodyMask, printF(), rad, sigmaEv, sigmaHv, timeForInitialize, timing, X0, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, X1, X2, and xab.

Referenced by interactiveUpdate().

void Maxwell::displayBoundaryConditions ( FILE *  file = stdout)

References assert(), axis, bcName, cg, cgp, grid, numberOfBCNames, and side.

Referenced by outputHeader().

realCompositeGridFunction & Maxwell::getAugmentedSolution ( int  current,
realCompositeGridFunction &  v,
const real  t 
bool Maxwell::getBoundsForPML ( MappedGrid &  mg,
Index  Iv[3],
int  extra = 0 
int Maxwell::getCenters ( MappedGrid &  mg,
UnstructuredMapping::EntityTypeEnum  cent,
realArray &  xe 
realCompositeGridFunction & Maxwell::getCGField ( Maxwell::FieldEnum  f,
int  tn 
void Maxwell::getChargeDensity ( int  current,
real  t,
realCompositeGridFunction &  u,
int  component = 0 
void Maxwell::getChargeDensity ( real  t,
realMappedGridFunction &  u,
int  component = 0 
void Maxwell::getEnergy ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
void Maxwell::getErrors ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 

Determine the errors.

References a, a2, adjustBoundsForPML(), all, annulusEigenfunctionKnownSolution, assert(), axis, besselPrimeZeros, besselZeros, bj, bjp, bjThetax, bjThetay, buildCenter, c, cc, center, cg, cgerrp, cgfields, cgp, cGrid, checkErrors, compareToReferenceShowFile, computeDSIErrors(), coskz, cosn, cost, cosTheta, cylinderAxisEnd, cylinderAxisStart, cylinderLength, debug, defaultInitialCondition, display(), dsiMatVec, dtb2, dx, e, EField, emptyArray, emptySerialArray, eps, epsGrid, ERR, erre, errel, errep, ERREX, ERREY, ERREZ, errh, errhl, errhp, ERRHX, ERRHY, ERRHZ, errorNorm, errp, ex, exmax, ext, exTrue, exTrue3d, extTrue, extTrue3d, ey, eyt, eyTrue, eyTrue3d, eytTrue, eytTrue3d, ez, ezt, ezTrue3d, eztTrue3d, fields, FOR_3, FOR_3D, forcingOption, fx, fy, fz, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianIntegralKnownSolution, gaussianPlaneWaveKnownSolution, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, getBoundsForPML(), getCenters(), getCGField(), getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), getMaxValue(), getValuesFDTD(), gr, grid, HField, hx, hxt, hxTrue3d, hy, hyt, hyTrue3d, hz, hzGaussianPulse, hzt, hzTrue, hzTrue3d, hztTrue, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ie1, Ie2, Ie3, Iev, Ig1, Ig2, Ig3, Ih1, Ih2, Ih3, Ihv, includeGhost, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializeKnownSolution(), isRectangular, isStructured, J1, J2, J3, k, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, lambda, logFile, lpNorm(), m, mask, MASK, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, maximumError, maxNorm(), md1, md2, mdbpz, mdbz, method, mg, mgp, mu, muGrid, n, nameOfReferenceShowFile, ndbpz, ndbz, nfdtd, noKnownSolution, np1Factorial, numberOfSequences, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, OV_ABORT(), pDebugFile, period, planeMaterialInterfaceKnownSolution, planeWaveKnownSolution, pmc, pmlErrorOffset, printF(), r, radiusForCheckingErrors, reconstructDSIField(), referenceShowFileReader, rx, ry, scatteringFromADielectricDiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricSphereKnownSolution, scatteringFromADiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromASphereKnownSolution, side, sinkz, sinn, sint, sinTheta, solutionNorm, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, squareEigenfunctionKnownSolution, tE, tH, the, theta, thetax, thetay, timeForGetError, timing, tm, tPlot, twilightZoneKnownSolution, tz, U, ue, ueDim0, ueDim1, ueDim2, ueDimFA, uel, uep, uepp, uex, UEX, uey, UEY, UEZ, UG, ugLocal, uh, uhDim0, uhDim1, uhDim2, uhDimFA, uhl, uhp, uhpp, UHX, UHY, UHZ, uLocal, ume, umel, umep, umh, umhl, umhp, une, unel, unep, unh, unhl, unhp, ur, x, X, X0, x0GaussianPlaneWave, X1, X2, xab, xce, xcel, xch, xchl, xd, xe, xeDim0, xeDim1, xeDim2, xep, XEP, xh, xhDim0, xhDim1, xhDim2, xhp, XHP, y, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yd, ye, yee, yh, z, zd, ze, and zh.

Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), plot(), and solve().

void Maxwell::getField ( real  x,
real  y,
real  t,
real *  eField 

Return the true solution for the electric field.

References c, cc, exTrue, eyTrue, kx, ky, and kz.

int Maxwell::getForcing ( int  current,
int  grid,
realArray &  u,
real  t,
real  dt,
int  option = 0 

References a, all, amplitude, assert(), assign(), buildCenter, c, CC, center, cg, cgerrp, cgp, debug, debugFile, defaultInitialCondition, display(), dsi, dsiMatVec, dtb2, dx, e, EField, emptyArray, emptySerialArray, ep, eps, erre, errel, errep, errh, errhl, errhp, errp, ex, ey, ez, f, fields, FOR_3, FOR_3D, forcingOption, forcingOptMaxwell, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, gaussianSource, gaussianSourceParameters, getCenters(), getCGField(), getIndex(), grid, gridType, HField, hx, hy, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ie1, Ie2, Ie3, Iev, Ih1, Ih2, Ih3, Ihv, includeGhost, initialConditionOption, isRectangular, isStructured, J1, J2, J3, kx, ky, kz, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, maskDim0, maskDim1, maskLocal, maskp, md1, md2, method, mg, mgp, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, nfdtd, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, printF(), rx, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, tE, tH, the, timeSteppingMethod, twilightZoneForcing, tz, u, U, ue, ueDim0, ueDim1, ueDim2, ueDimFA, uel, uep, uepp, uh, uhDim0, uhDim1, uhDim2, uhDimFA, uhl, uhp, uhpp, uLocal, ume, umel, umep, umh, umhl, umhp, une, unel, unep, unh, unhl, unhp, userDefinedForcing(), userDefinedForcingOption, x, X, X0, X1, X2, xab, xce, xcel, xch, xchl, xd, xe, xeDim0, xeDim1, xeDim2, xep, XEP, xh, xhDim0, xhDim1, xhDim2, xhp, XHP, xp1, yd, ye, yh, zd, ze, and zh.

Referenced by advanceNFDTD(), advanceSOSUP(), advanceUnstructuredDSI(), applyDSIForcing(), and assignInitialConditions().

void Maxwell::getMaxDivergence ( const int  current,
real  t,
realCompositeGridFunction *  pu = NULL,
int  component = 0,
realCompositeGridFunction *  pDensity = NULL,
int  rhoComponent = 0,
bool  computeMaxNorms = true 
real Maxwell::getMaxValue ( real  value,
int  processor = -1 
int Maxwell::getMaxValue ( int  value,
int  processor = -1 
real Maxwell::getMinValue ( real  value,
int  processor = -1 

Referenced by computeTimeStep().

int Maxwell::getMinValue ( int  value,
int  processor = -1 
int Maxwell::getValuesFDTD ( int  option,
int *  iparam,
int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
realCompositeGridFunction *  pv = NULL 

compute various quantities for the FDTD "Yee" scheme

option(input) : option=0 : compute initial conditions, option=1 : compute errors option=2 : compute div(E) , div(H) option=3 : compute node centered fields for plotting
ipar(input) : iparam[0] = nDivE : save div(E) in this component of v iparam[1] = nDivH : save div(H) in this component of v

References assert(), axis, c, cgfields, cgp, debug, divEMax, divHMax, dx, ex, ey, ez, fields, forcingOption, getIndex(), getMaxValue(), gradEMax, gradHMax, grid, hx, hy, hz, I1, I2, I3, initialConditionOption, knownSolution, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, mask, maskBodies, maskLocal, maximumError, mgp, mxYeeIcErr, myid, n, numberOfPlaneMaterialInterfaceCoefficients, pBodyMask, pmc, printF(), pwc, slowStartInterval, solutionNorm, tz, u, ugLocal, uLocal, v, and xab.

Referenced by advanceFDTD(), assignInitialConditions(), getAugmentedSolution(), and getErrors().

void Maxwell::initializeInterfaces ( )
void Maxwell::initializeKnownSolution ( )
int Maxwell::initializePlaneMaterialInterface ( )

Initialize the constants that define the plane material interface solution.

References assert(), axis, c1, c2, cg, cgp, cr, epsGrid, epsv, initialConditionOption, kappa, kx, ky, kz, method, muGrid, muv, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, OV_ABORT(), planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, pmc, printF(), pwc, r, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, and yee.

Referenced by interactiveUpdate().

int Maxwell::initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions ( )
int Maxwell::interactiveUpdate ( GL_GraphicsInterface &  gi)

References a, adamsBashforthSymmetricThirdOrder, adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField, annulus, annulusEigenfunctionInitialCondition, annulusEigenfunctionKnownSolution, applyFilter, artificialDissipation, artificialDissipationCurvilinear, artificialDissipationInterval, assert(), axis, betaGaussianPlaneWave, boundingBoxDecayExponent, buildForcingOptionsDialog(), buildInputOutputOptionsDialog(), buildPdeParametersDialog(), buildPlotOptionsDialog(), buildTimeSteppingOptionsDialog(), c, cc, cfl, cg, cgp, cGrid, checkErrors, chevbox, chevron, compareToReferenceShowFile, compositeGrid, computeEnergy, debug, defaultInitialCondition, defaultMethod, defaultTimeStepping, defineRegionsAndBodies(), degreeSpace, degreeSpaceX, degreeSpaceY, degreeSpaceZ, degreeTime, divergenceCleaningCoefficient, divergenceDamping, dsi, dsiMatVec, dsiNew, eigenfunctionsOfASphereKnownSolution, elementType, eps, epsGrid, errorNorm, filterCoefficient, filterFrequency, forcingOption, frequency, frequencyToProjectFields, frequencyToSaveProbes, gaussianChargeSource, gaussianChargeSourceParameters, gaussianIntegralInitialCondition, gaussianIntegralKnownSolution, gaussianPlaneWave, gaussianPlaneWaveKnownSolution, gaussianPulseInitialCondition, gaussianPulseParameters, gaussianSource, gaussianSourceParameters, gip, grid, gridHasMaterialInterfaces, gridType, i, i1, i2, i3, initialConditionBoundingBox, initialConditionOption, initialConditionParameters, initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), intensityAveragingInterval, intensityOption, interfaceBoundaryCondition, interfaceEquationsOption, j, knownSolutionOption, kx, ky, kz, magneticSinusoidalPointSource, mask, materialInterfaceOption, maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation, maxNumberOfGaussianChargeSources, maxNumberOfGaussianPulses, method, mg, modifiedEquationTimeStepping, mu, muGrid, nameOfGridFile, nameOfReferenceShowFile, nfdtd, noForcing, noKnownSolution, normalPlaneMaterialInterface, np, numberLinesForPML, numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject, numberOfDivergenceSmooths, numberOfFilterIterations, numberOfGaussianChargeSources, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfInitialProjectionSteps, numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC, numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths, nx, ok, omega, omegaForInterfaceIteration, omegaTimeHarmonic, orderOfAccuracyInSpace, orderOfAccuracyInTime, orderOfArtificialDissipation, orderOfFilter, OV_ABORT(), planeMaterialInterfaceInitialCondition, planeMaterialInterfaceKnownSolution, planeWaveBoundaryForcing, planeWaveInitialCondition, planeWaveKnownSolution, planeWaveScatteredFieldInitialCondition, plotDissipation, plotDivergence, plotEnergyDensity, plotErrors, plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents, plotIntensity, plotRho, plotScatteredField, plotTotalField, pmlErrorOffset, pmlLayerStrength, pmlPower, poisson, polynomialTwilightZone, printF(), probeFileName, probeGridLocation, probes, projectFields, projectInitialConditions, projectInterpolation, pulseTwilightZone, pwc, quadrilaterals, r, radiusForCheckingErrors, rotatedSquare, rungeKuttaFourthOrder, scatteringFromADielectricDiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromADielectricSphereKnownSolution, scatteringFromADiskKnownSolution, scatteringFromASphereKnownSolution, setBoundaryCondition(), setupGridFunctions(), setupUserDefinedForcing(), setupUserDefinedInitialConditions(), show, side, sineByTriangles, sineSquare, skewedSquare, slowStartInterval, solveForElectricField, solveForMagneticField, sosup, square, squareByQuads, squareByTriangles, squareEigenfunctionInitialCondition, squareEigenfunctionKnownSolution, stoermerTimeStepping, structuredElements, tFinal, timeSteppingMethod, tPlot, triangles, trigonometricTwilightZone, twilightZoneForcing, twilightZoneKnownSolution, twilightZoneOption, updateShowFile(), useChargeDensity, useConservative, useConservativeDivergence, useDivergenceCleaning, useNewInterfaceRoutines, userDefinedForcingOption, userDefinedInitialConditionsOption, useTwilightZoneMaterials, useVariableDissipation, x, x0GaussianPlaneWave, x0PlaneMaterialInterface, y0GaussianPlaneWave, yee, z0GaussianPlaneWave, and zeroInitialCondition.

Referenced by main().

void Maxwell::outputHeader ( )
int Maxwell::outputResults ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt,
int  stepNumber,
real  nextTimeToPlot 
int Maxwell::plot ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::printMemoryUsage ( FILE *  file = stdout)
int Maxwell::printStatistics ( FILE *  file = stdout)
int Maxwell::project ( int  numberOfStepsTaken,
int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::projectInterpolationPoints ( int  numberOfStepsTaken,
int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
bool Maxwell::reconstructDSIAtEntities ( real  t,
FieldEnum  field,
IntegerArray &  entities,
realMappedGridFunction &  from,
RealArray &  to 
void Maxwell::reconstructDSIField ( real  t,
Maxwell::FieldEnum  field,
realMappedGridFunction &  from,
realMappedGridFunction &  to 
int Maxwell::saveParametersToShowFile ( )

References assert(), eps, ex, ey, ez, hx, hy, hz, mu, and show.

Referenced by updateShowFile().

int Maxwell::saveSequenceInfo ( real  t0,
RealArray &  sequenceData 
int Maxwell::saveSequencesToShowFile ( )
void Maxwell::saveShow ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 
int Maxwell::setBoundaryCondition ( aString &  answer,
GL_GraphicsInterface &  gi,
IntegerArray &  originalBoundaryCondition 
void Maxwell::setupDSICoefficients ( )
int Maxwell::setupGridFunctions ( )
int Maxwell::setupGrids ( )
int Maxwell::setupUserDefinedForcing ( )

This function is used to choose a user defined forcing and input parameters etc.

This function is used to setup and define the forcing to use. The function userDefinedForcing (above) is called to actually assign the forcing. Rewrite or add new options to this routine to supply your own forcing. Choose the "user defined forcing" option to have this routine called.

References a, assert(), cg, cgp, dbase, gip, m, omega, and printF().

Referenced by interactiveUpdate().

int Maxwell::setupUserDefinedInitialConditions ( )

choose a user defined initial condition.

This function is used to setup and define the initial conditions. The function userDefinedInitialConditions (above) is called to actually evaluate the initial conditions. Rewrite or add new options to this routine to supply your own initial conditions. Choose the "user defined" option from the initial conditions options to have this routine

References a, assert(), cg, cgp, dbase, gip, m, numberOfGaussianPulses, omega, and printF().

Referenced by interactiveUpdate().

void Maxwell::smoothDivergence ( realCompositeGridFunction &  u,
const int  numberOfSmooths 

References axis, cg, debug, getIndex(), grid, I1, I2, I3, N(), ok, printF(), and v.

Referenced by project().

int Maxwell::solve ( GL_GraphicsInterface &  gi)
int Maxwell::updateProjectionEquation ( )
int Maxwell::updateShowFile ( const aString &  command = nullString,
DialogData *  interface = NULL 
int Maxwell::userDefinedForcing ( realArray &  f,
int  iparam[],
real  rparam[] 

Evaluate the user defined forcing.

This function is called to actually evaluate the user defined forcing The function setupUserDefinedForcing is first called to assign the option and parameters. Rewrite or add new options to this function and to setupUserDefinedForcing to supply your own forcing option.

f(input/output) : add to this forcing function
iparam[](input) : holds some integer parameters
rparam[](input) : holds some real parameters

References a, assert(), cg, cgfields, cgp, cost, dbase, ex, ey, ez, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, m, method, mg, nfdtd, ok, omega, OV_ABORT(), printF(), sint, u, uLocal, x, y, and z.

Referenced by getForcing().

void Maxwell::userDefinedForcingCleanup ( )

This routine is called when cgmx is finished and can be used to clean up memory.

References dbase, and printF().

Referenced by ~Maxwell().

int Maxwell::userDefinedInitialConditions ( int  current,
real  t,
real  dt 

: Evaluate the user defined initial conditions.

This function is called to actually assign user defined initial conditions. The function setupUserDefinedInitialConditions is first called to assign the option and parameters. Rewrite or add new options to this function and to setupUserDefinedInitialConditions to supply your own initial conditions.

: When using adaptive mesh refinement, this function may be called multiple times as the AMR hierarchy is built up.

References a, assert(), cg, cgfields, cgp, cost, dbase, ex, ey, ez, FOR_3D, getIndex(), grid, hz, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, m, method, mg, nfdtd, numberOfGaussianPulses, numberOfTimeLevels, ok, omega, OV_ABORT(), printF(), u, uLocal, x, y, and z.

Referenced by assignInitialConditions().

void Maxwell::userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup ( )

This routine is called when Cgsm is finished with the initial conditions and can be used to clean up memory.

References dbase, and printF().

Referenced by ~Maxwell().

bool Maxwell::usingPMLBoundaryConditions ( ) const

References abcPML, assert(), cg, cgp, and grid.

Referenced by setupGridFunctions().

Member Data Documentation

ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::A

Referenced by setBoundaryCondition().

IntegerArray Maxwell::adjustFarFieldBoundariesForIncidentField
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Aindex
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Aoffset
bool Maxwell::applyFilter
real Maxwell::artificialDissipation
real Maxwell::artificialDissipationCurvilinear
int Maxwell::artificialDissipationInterval
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::As
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Asindex
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Asoffset
aString Maxwell::bcName
Initial value:

Referenced by displayBoundaryConditions(), and setBoundaryCondition().

BoundaryConditionOptionEnum Maxwell::bcOption
real Maxwell::betaGaussianPlaneWave
real Maxwell::boundingBoxDecayExponent
real Maxwell::c
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::CCcoeff

Referenced by setupDSICoefficients().

ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::CCindex

Referenced by setupDSICoefficients().

ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::CCoffset

Referenced by setupDSICoefficients().

real Maxwell::cfl
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgdissipation
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgerrp
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgfields
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::cgfn

Referenced by Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().

CompositeGridOperators* Maxwell::cgop
CompositeGrid* Maxwell::cgp
RealArray Maxwell::cGrid
bool Maxwell::checkErrors
FILE* Maxwell::checkFile

Referenced by Maxwell(), outputResults(), and ~Maxwell().

real Maxwell::chevronAmplitude

Referenced by main(), Maxwell(), and setupGrids().

real Maxwell::chevronFrequency

Referenced by main(), Maxwell(), and setupGrids().

bool Maxwell::compareToReferenceShowFile
bool Maxwell::computeEnergy
int Maxwell::currentFn
real Maxwell::cylinderAxisEnd
real Maxwell::cylinderAxisStart
real Maxwell::cylinderRadius

Referenced by Maxwell().

DataBase Maxwell::dbase
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::Dcoeff
int Maxwell::debug
FILE* Maxwell::debugFile
int Maxwell::degreeSpace
int Maxwell::degreeSpaceX
int Maxwell::degreeSpaceY
int Maxwell::degreeSpaceZ
int Maxwell::degreeTime
real Maxwell::deltaT
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Dindex
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::dispCoeff
realMappedGridFunction* Maxwell::dissipation
real Maxwell::divEMax
real Maxwell::divergenceCleaningCoefficient
real Maxwell::divergenceDamping
real Maxwell::divHMax
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Doffset
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::dsi_cgfieldsE0
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::dsi_cgfieldsE1

Referenced by getCGField(), and setupGridFunctions().

realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::dsi_cgfieldsH
RealArray Maxwell::dxMinMax
realCompositeGridFunction * Maxwell::e_cgdissipation
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::E_dispCoeff
realMappedGridFunction * Maxwell::e_dissipation
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::Ecoeff
realArray Maxwell::edgeAreaNormals
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Eindex
ElementTypeEnum Maxwell::elementType
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Eoffset
real Maxwell::eps
int Maxwell::epsc
RealArray Maxwell::epsGrid
RealArray Maxwell::epsv
int Maxwell::errorNorm
realMappedGridFunction* Maxwell::errp
int Maxwell::ex
int Maxwell::ex01
int Maxwell::ex10
int Maxwell::ext
int Maxwell::ey
int Maxwell::ey01
int Maxwell::ey10
int Maxwell::eyt
int Maxwell::ez
int Maxwell::ezt
realArray Maxwell::faceAreaNormals
realMappedGridFunction* Maxwell::fields
real Maxwell::filterCoefficient
int Maxwell::filterFrequency
realArray* Maxwell::fn
ForcingEnum Maxwell::forcingOption
real Maxwell::frequency
int Maxwell::frequencyToProjectFields
int Maxwell::frequencyToSaveInShowFile

Referenced by Maxwell(), solve(), and updateShowFile().

int Maxwell::frequencyToSaveProbes
real Maxwell::gaussianChargeSourceParameters[maxNumberOfGaussianChargeSources][9]
real Maxwell::gaussianPulseParameters[maxNumberOfGaussianPulses][6]
real Maxwell::gaussianSourceParameters[5]
GenericGraphicsInterface* Maxwell::gip
real Maxwell::gradEMax
real Maxwell::gradHMax
bool Maxwell::gridHasMaterialInterfaces
GridTypeEnum Maxwell::gridType
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::Hcoeff
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Hindex
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::Hoffset
int Maxwell::hx
int Maxwell::hxt
int Maxwell::hy
int Maxwell::hyt
int Maxwell::hz
int Maxwell::hz11
int Maxwell::hzt
RealArray Maxwell::initialConditionBoundingBox
InitialConditionEnum Maxwell::initialConditionOption
real Maxwell::initialConditionParameters[10]
bool Maxwell::initializeProjection

Referenced by Maxwell(), and project().

real Maxwell::initialTotalEnergy

Referenced by getEnergy(), Maxwell(), and outputResults().

real Maxwell::intensityAveragingInterval
int Maxwell::intensityOption
int Maxwell::interfaceEquationsOption
std::vector<InterfaceInfo> Maxwell::interfaceInfo
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::knownSolution
enum Maxwell::KnownSolutionEnum Maxwell::knownSolutionOption
real Maxwell::kx
real Maxwell::ky
real Maxwell::kz
FILE* Maxwell::logFile
int Maxwell::maskBodies
int Maxwell::materialInterfaceOption
RealArray Maxwell::maximumError
int Maxwell::maximumNumberOfIterationsForImplicitInterpolation
IntegerArray Maxwell::media
MethodEnum Maxwell::method
aString Maxwell::methodName
MappedGrid* Maxwell::mgp
aString Maxwell::movieFileName

Referenced by plot().

int Maxwell::movieFrame

Referenced by Maxwell(), and plot().

real Maxwell::mu
int Maxwell::muc
RealArray Maxwell::muGrid
RealArray Maxwell::muv
int Maxwell::myid
aString Maxwell::nameOfGridFile
aString Maxwell::nameOfReferenceShowFile
real Maxwell::normalPlaneMaterialInterface[3]
int Maxwell::numberLinesForPML
int Maxwell::numberOfComponentsCurvilinearGrid

Referenced by Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().

int Maxwell::numberOfComponentsRectangularGrid

Referenced by Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().

int Maxwell::numberOfConsecutiveStepsToProject
int Maxwell::numberOfDivergenceSmooths
int Maxwell::numberOfFields

Referenced by Maxwell(), and setupGridFunctions().

int Maxwell::numberOfFilterIterations
int Maxwell::numberOfFunctions
int Maxwell::numberOfGaussianChargeSources

Referenced by interactiveUpdate(), and Maxwell().

int Maxwell::numberOfGaussianPulses
real Maxwell::numberOfGridPoints
int Maxwell::numberOfInitialProjectionSteps
int Maxwell::numberOfIterationsForInterfaceBC
int Maxwell::numberOfMaterialRegions
int Maxwell::numberOfProjectionIterations

Referenced by Maxwell().

int Maxwell::numberOfSequences
int Maxwell::numberOfStepsTaken
int Maxwell::numberOfTimeLevels
int Maxwell::numberOfVariableDissipationSmooths
int Maxwell::nx[3]
real Maxwell::omega[4]
real Maxwell::omegaForInterfaceIteration
real Maxwell::omegaTimeHarmonic
MappedGridOperators* Maxwell::op
int Maxwell::orderOfAccuracyInSpace
int Maxwell::orderOfAccuracyInTime
int Maxwell::orderOfArtificialDissipation
int Maxwell::orderOfFilter
intSerialArray* Maxwell::pBodyMask
FILE * Maxwell::pDebugFile
realCompositeGridFunction * Maxwell::pF
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pHarmonicElectricField
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pIntensity
Interpolant* Maxwell::pinterpolant
int Maxwell::plotChoices

Referenced by Maxwell(), and plot().

bool Maxwell::plotDissipation
bool Maxwell::plotDivergence
bool Maxwell::plotDSIMaxVertVals
bool Maxwell::plotDSIPoints

Referenced by Maxwell().

bool Maxwell::plotEnergyDensity
bool Maxwell::plotErrors
bool Maxwell::plotHarmonicElectricFieldComponents
bool Maxwell::plotIntensity
int Maxwell::plotOptions

Referenced by Maxwell(), plot(), and solve().

bool Maxwell::plotRho
bool Maxwell::plotScatteredField
bool Maxwell::plotTotalField
int Maxwell::pmlErrorOffset
real Maxwell::pmlLayerStrength
int Maxwell::pmlPower
Oges* Maxwell::poisson
DialogData * Maxwell::pParametersDialog

Referenced by plot().

realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pPhi
DialogData* Maxwell::pPlotOptionsDialog

Referenced by plot().

realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::pRho
FILE* Maxwell::probeFile
aString Maxwell::probeFileName
ArraySimple<int> Maxwell::probeGridLocation
ArraySimple<real> Maxwell::probes
bool Maxwell::projectFields
bool Maxwell::projectInitialConditions
bool Maxwell::projectInterpolation
GraphicsParameters Maxwell::psp

Referenced by plot().

real Maxwell::pwc[6]
int Maxwell::radbcAxis[2]
int Maxwell::radbcGrid[2]
int Maxwell::radbcSide[2]
RadiationBoundaryCondition* Maxwell::radiationBoundaryCondition
real Maxwell::radiusForCheckingErrors
int Maxwell::rc
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<real> > Maxwell::REcoeff
ShowFileReader* Maxwell::referenceShowFileReader

Referenced by getErrors(), Maxwell(), and ~Maxwell().

ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::REindex
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<real> > Maxwell::RHcoeff
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::RHindex
GUIState* Maxwell::runTimeDialog
bool Maxwell::saveDivergenceInShowFile

Referenced by updateShowFile().

bool Maxwell::saveErrorsInShowFile

Referenced by updateShowFile().

bool Maxwell::saveGridInShowFile

Referenced by Maxwell(), and saveShow().

ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::SEindex

Referenced by printMemoryUsage().

RealArray Maxwell::sequence
int Maxwell::sequenceCount
ArraySimple< ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::SHindex

Referenced by printMemoryUsage().

Ogshow* Maxwell::show
int Maxwell::showFileFrameForGrid

Referenced by Maxwell(), and saveShow().

int Maxwell::sigmaEc
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaEGrid
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaEv
int Maxwell::sigmaHc
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaHGrid
RealArray Maxwell::sigmaHv
real Maxwell::sizeOfLocalArraysForAdvance
real Maxwell::slowStartInterval
RealArray Maxwell::solutionNorm
bool Maxwell::solveForElectricField
bool Maxwell::solveForMagneticField
real Maxwell::tFinal
RealArray Maxwell::timeSequence
enum Maxwell::TimeSteppingMethodEnum Maxwell::timeSteppingMethod
RealArray Maxwell::timing
aString Maxwell::timingName[maximumNumberOfTimings]

Referenced by Maxwell(), and printStatistics().

real Maxwell::totalEnergy

Referenced by getEnergy(), Maxwell(), and outputResults().

int Maxwell::totalNumberOfArrays

Referenced by checkArrays(), and Maxwell().

real Maxwell::tPlot
enum Maxwell::TwlightZoneForcingEnum Maxwell::twilightZoneOption
OGFunction* Maxwell::tz
ArraySimple<ArraySimple<UnstructuredMappingAdjacencyIterator> > Maxwell::ulinks

Referenced by advanceUnstructuredDSI().

ArraySimple<ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::ulinksE
ArraySimple<ArraySimple<int> > Maxwell::ulinksH
bool Maxwell::useChargeDensity
bool Maxwell::useConservative
bool Maxwell::useConservativeDivergence
bool Maxwell::useDivergenceCleaning
bool Maxwell::useGhostInReconstruction
bool Maxwell::useNewInterfaceRoutines
bool Maxwell::useStreamMode

Referenced by Maxwell(), and updateShowFile().

bool Maxwell::useTwilightZone

Referenced by Maxwell().

bool Maxwell::useTwilightZoneMaterials
bool Maxwell::useVariableDissipation
realCompositeGridFunction* Maxwell::variableDissipation
RealArray* Maxwell::vpml
real Maxwell::x0GaussianPlaneWave
real Maxwell::x0PlaneMaterialInterface[3]
real Maxwell::xab[2][3]
real Maxwell::y0GaussianPlaneWave
real Maxwell::z0GaussianPlaneWave

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